Left me alone

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Anthony stumbled back, thrown off his game for only a moment, then reached out and caught me mid-escape. He dragged me back to the table and dropped me on it once more.   He was standing but forced me to sit, my legs dangling off the table and trapped in-between his strong thighs.

Anthony leaned back and searched my eyes. Tears were threatening to spill yet again and I didn’t know what to do. What could I do? I was at his mercy, whatever he wanted, he would take. Just like he took my virginity.

“Isabella…” He didn’t know what to say. It was obvious by the look of fright he was wearing. Like this was something he wasn’t accustomed to. 

My eyes drifted down, not standing to look at those cunning blue irises that always managed to trap me. The night had to be ending soon. All I wanted was for the night to end soon. He would leave and I would go back to being pathetic and alone.

He breathed steadily. “Isabella, what do you want?” He was back to being calculating. He was back on his game.

“I want to go home.” Go home and crawl into a hole and die.

He studied me for a moment and tried again. “Princess, I told you I had no intentions of leaving you. You will be my wife one day. This doesn’t change anything.” He said smoothly. Like that was supposed to make everything okay. His hand tucked a strand of hair behind my ear then started rubbing my arms soothingly.

My head shook almost robotically. “Can you take me home now? I won’t tell my father. I just have to go home. I need to rest.”

His eyes narrowed. “You’re not okay right now. And we still have more than 3 hours before I’m supposed to take you back.” Or else my father would be suspicious.

“Okay.” I said simply. No matter what I said, he would get his way.

He sighed, defeated. “Tell me what’s wrong?”

Did he seriously just ask me that question?

“You just raped me, Anthony.” There was no sugarcoating it.

“Don’t give me that, Isabella. You liked it. You climaxed… I felt you.” He needed me to agree, I could see it in his face. But I wouldn’t, because even if he was right, even if I had liked it, even if I had climaxed, it had still been against my will.

“You forced me to! You took away my virginity.”

“You lied to me! Maybe you should have thought about the consequences before you decided to play your little games with me.” Anthony ran a hand through his hair, frustrated.

“You said it yourself, I’m a teenager. It’s what I do!” He could not seriously blame me for this!

His eyes flashed with hurt and regret and he stepped away from me like I was his worst demon. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”  Then he added, “But you would have been mine one day regardless. It just happened a lot sooner than expected.” He had to rationalize it somehow, probably for his own sanity.

I cleared my throat, “It’s done. It doesn’t matter.” But it did, it mattered way more than I was letting on.

Anthony walked away for a second then returned with my clothes in his hands. “Get dressed.”

He exited the room leaving me with about 20 empty tables and the hurt of my loneliness. I got dressed as quickly as possible but when Anthony didn’t return fast enough I made my way towards the ladies room. The need to know what I looked like was urgent.

I heard a voice coming from the men’s room and paused just outside the door. Anthony was on the phone.

“Don’t fuck with me Adonis. Peterson is as stupid as they come. Tell him to get back into line or I’ll rein shit on his campaign when I return.” He paused. “Don’t ask me if I’m okay, why the fuck would I not be okay?!” He was heaving.

I entered the men’s room quietly. Anthony saw me through the mirror and visibly forced himself to calm down. He had his pants back on but his shirt was untucked and his vest was unbuttoned. “Adonis, I don’t have time for your questions. I’ll head back to the hotel in a few hours and call you when I get there. Yes, I’ll be leaving New York in couple of days.” He didn’t wait for a response and clicked the phone on his brother.

Anthony turned to face me and looked into my eyes with the same look of regret. It was obvious he didn’t know how to act around me anymore and he was walking on thin ice.

But all I could think about was the fact that he would be leaving in a couple of days. Hearing him say it, like it was so final, made it the worst thing ever. My feet moved of their own accord and somehow before even realizing it, I was in Anthony’s arms clutching at him tightly. My face buried into his chest.

He was stiff, unmoving, and not reacting to my physical presence that was suddenly on him, again.

“Take me with you, back to Los-Angeles.” I begged. That’s what I had meant earlier when I told him not to leave me.

It didn’t matter what had just happened in the other room. None of it mattered, because he had been right all along. I did love him. I don’t know how or when it happened…but somehow in the last 2 years my heart had fallen for him. I needed for him to stay, or take me with him. As long as he didn’t leave me, I could forgive what he did.

His hand finally, reluctantly, reached around me and brought me tightly into his embrace to allow me a few moments of comfort. “You’ll be with me soon enough, Isabella.” He spoke into my hair.

My head whirled back to look at him, “In 3 years?! No. You took my virginity before our time. Please take me with you now.”

A look of guilt and shame flashed in his eyes so quickly that I almost missed it. He inhaled deeply. “I’m sorry. You are mine. But what you’re asking is impossible. If I take you now it will break the contract and I won’t risk a war. ”

“And what about me? What about what we just did?” How could he expect me to be okay with him just leaving?  

“Don’t make me say words that will hurt you.” His eyes turned cold so fast that it was hard to know they ever held any emotion at all. He stepped away from me and it was like a wall had suddenly been placed between us.

I sneered, “What? Like I’m just a means to an end and mean nothing to you?” Because that’s basically what it seemed like right now, like it was all just to prove how powerless I was compared to him.

“What happened in that room was simply so that you know who you belong to.” His words cut deep. It felt like a wound that would never heal. “I’m glad to know I was your first Isabella. Make no mistake about it, had it been otherwise, the kill order for your little boyfriend would have already been placed.” He gave off a killing aura and made me shrink into myself in fear.

“I hate you,” I hissed. Disbelieving how heartless he was right now.

But I already knew his heart was black.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He countered, not at all affected by my confession. “Go sit in my car for a few hours. I’ll have one of my men drive you back home once it’s time.”

Anthony turned his back on me and went back to fixing his attire. Guess he wouldn’t even give me the full date experience this time around. My heart felt like it was being squeezed so tightly it could have actually stopped right then and there.

But there was one thing I wanted to know before I left. “How the hell did you get everyone to clear the restaurant—no questions asked?” It was legitimate curiosity.

Anthony paused in his tracks. Glanced at me through the mirror and raised an eyebrow, “I own it,” was his simple reply.

Well, now, I suppose that said it all. Turning on my heel and walking away before I broke down in front of him yet again, I made my way to the Lamborghini and stopped in surprise when one of his men was already outside.

I spent the rest of that evening waiting patiently for the hours to pass. Eventually one of his men entered the car and drove me home. He dropped me back off at my father’s ever so welcoming mansion without ever speaking a word to me. I didn’t hear back from Anthony again that night, nor the next couple of nights. He left back to his city, back to his reign. 

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