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“You cannot be talking to him, Ms. Isabella.” Marcello broke our intense exchange when his hand landed on my arm to pull me away none-too-gently from Alex. Taken by surprise and trying not to trip over my own two feet, a growl erupted from my throat.

“Fuck…Marcello, let me go!” I hissed. His grip was painful and much too strong for me to escape. Of course, that didn’t stop me from trying. Beyond pissed, I attempted to snatch my arm away from him but as predicted, his grip didn’t dislodge.

Where did this motherfucker get the idea he could touch me? Lucas and Allesandro never laid a hand on me in all the years they were my guards.  Speaking of the devil, Lucas must have realized Marcello was missing because he was already walking towards us, but his eyes were focused on Marcello’s hand firmly clenched around my arm.

“Let her go!” Eliza screamed. Rushing towards us and holding on to my other hand, she tried to pull me out of his grasp, but she too was weak compared to his strength. People around us started to take in the scene and began to scatter away. Eliza looked about ready to have a panic attack. 

“I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but you need to let her go right now.” Lucas voice changed from his normally friendly to deathly serious. I had never heard him speak in that manner. 

“Calm down asshole, we were just talking,” I heard Alex say, but when I tried to make eye contact Marcello pushed me forward, finally freeing his grasp on me and causing me to almost fall down flat on my face— but Lucas caught me with two strong hands just in time.

My heart was speeding now, and I turned in Lucas’ arms to try and face Alex, to tell him to just leave, that I’d call him later, but Marcello had already approached him. His large frame was standing in my way, blocking my view. Marcello said something in a low voice, it was impossible for me to hear, but it caused me to panic. Was he threatening Alex?

“What’s going on? Marcello you leave him alone, he’s my friend!”

Alex was no Made-Man, he stood no chance.

“What’s your problem, are you crazy or something?” Eliza said, freaking out just as much as I was. She was right next to Marcello now, her eyes seriously glaring at him. My body guard shot my sister a silent warning to stay away. She hesitated for only a moment before finally coming back to my side. But I didn’t miss the worry look she shot after my guard. I’d have to ask her about it later.

Marcello pushed Alex back with his large hands. For a horrifying moment I thought he was going to punch him, or hit him, but before I could even register what was going on, he was dragging my friend out of the store. Right past us, but I was frozen in shock. Matt made a move and promptly followed the two out. Had it not been for Lucas hold still on me, I’d be marching after them as well but he held me firmly in place and no amount of struggling seemed to faze him at all.

“I don’t know what’s going on but I’m getting the both of you out of here,” Lucas said. Still holding on to me, he grabbed Eliza, having us each in one arm and making a move towards the exit. When we were out he made no move to wait— I rooted my feet to the floor fighting against his massive strength— he’d have to fucking drag me out.

“Lucas you can’t let him hurt Alex,” I was on the brink of tears. Why had he dragged him out? Where was Marcello taking him? What would he do?

“Isabella he won’t do anything here, this is a public place.” He assured, but I knew he didn’t give a damn about Alex; all he cared about now was getting us home safely and reporting this incident to my father.

“Please! If you care about me at all…” At my words Lucas stopped in his tracks. It was unfair to throw this at him. Lucas had watched us since we were kids and it had long passed beyond the point where we were only his charge.

“Is that the boy you were caught kissing when you escaped from the theater?” His voice betrayed no emotion, still very much all business. But I knew my words had gotten to him, after all these years he had spent taking care of us, we had shared many memories together and on many occasions had bonded. Even if I had yet to completely forgive him for not telling me about the arranged marriage, it didn’t change that he was important to me.

At the nod of my head he sighed, “Marcello has been instructed to keep him away from you, not to kill him.” He was trying to ease me. It wasn’t really having that effect.

“But he –” The way Marcello had looked at Alex, feral and wild, like he was ready for blood. I tried to plead my case to Lucas, make him understand— but he cut me off.

“He doesn’t have a kill order,” he said in a quiet voice so only Eliza and I could hear. “Anthony wouldn’t have assigned him as your guard if the man had a habit of going rouge and not following orders. Trust me. Let’s get you two back home and you can discuss this with your father.”

I didn’t even have a choice. Lucas proceeded to drag my ass out of the mall, into the car, and back to the safety of my home…He hadn’t even waited on Marcello and that was the worst part. I wanted the man to come back…I wanted the chance to question him and make sure he hadn’t hurt my friend.  If something happened to Alex because of me, I’d kill him. Marcello and Anthony!

                When we arrived home I immediately ran up the stairs and slammed my door. I dug my phone out from my purse and called Alex….but he didn’t answer. I tried a dozen more times but it kept going to voice-mail. What could have possibly happened? Did Marcello still have Alex? I left a voicemail begging him to call me as soon as he got it. My head was spinning with a million scenarios and it was impossible to relax.

Realization dawned on me that the only person who could help right now was Viktor. Hastily going in search of him, my mind continued to play out just how to tell off Marcello once I finally saw him.  He would hear it, he would take it, and he would regret being such an asshole to my friend and me!

I didn’t even bother to knock when arriving at my father’s office— choosing instead to barge in. Could you blame me though? The whole situation was frightening and my need for answers was stronger than anything else.  My father had a grim look plastered on his face when my gaze landed on him. Lucas was already there telling him about the incident. 

Of course he was.

“Father,” I started, but his eyes narrowed when he caught sight of me.

“You should learn some manners,” He said…and oh boy did he ever look pissed. If looks could slay, well, I’m sure you can guess the rest.

My anger slowly began to die down, over-taken by fear.

I cleared my throat. “You have to do something father, I’m afraid Marcello might hurt my classmate.” My body was shaking from the worry as I stood next to Lucas who had fallen silent upon my arrival.

“I don’t have to do a goddamned thing!” He yelled. “You were warned about your behavior! Why were you even talking to that boy?” My father snarled.

“Talking is not a crime! We simply ran into each other at the store!” This was unbelievable, how could this be turned on me, I hadn’t even done anything wrong this time.

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