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In a moment of intense courage and maybe a little desperation, I reached
up and crashed my lips into his. Only for a second did he show surprise before he responded eagerly. He tasted of caramel and sweets. His tongue never pushed into my mouth, but that was okay, the kiss was comforting and his lips were soft.

We finally broke apart for air.  “Wow Isabell, that was amazing,” he said into the side of my head. My hands reached around his chest and he brought me closer into a tight embrace. Tears welled up in my eyes but didn’t spill, refusing to become an emotional train wreck in his arms.

“You want to go somewhere more private?” He questioned.

“Sure,” my response was almost robotic. Despite the fact that I’d just had my first kiss ever….my mind was still on Anthony Romero.

“Follow me,” he gripped my hand and led me away. We passed the indoor pool where Amanda and her group shot us a worried look but Alex waved to them that everything was okay. We ended up in what seemed to be a game room. A huge plasma TV was the center and focus of the space.

“We don’t have to kiss again if you don’t want to…we could just watch a movie?” He looked at me softly but his gaze was questioning.

No. When the hell would I get another chance like this? “I want you to kiss me.”

His eyes searched my face for a moment before he finally bent forward, slowly. My eyes closed, and with hopeless anticipation, awaited a kiss that never came.

“Step away from her.” A baritone warning sounded from the doorway. We stepped away from each other in surprise and fright.  My eyes zeroed in on a man who I had never seen before in my life. He was wearing a light blue suit with a bow tie, his hair was cut into a pompadour and styled with more product than any man should ever wear. What got me though, were his eyes. He had the same hollow expression that all Made Men wore. Did he belong to my father? Had Armando figured it out so soon?

“Who the hell are you?” Alex seemed pissed.

His feelings mirrored my own.

The man didn’t spare him a second glance. Instead, he looked directly at me and his eyes seemed to send me a silent warning.  They spoke of serious threat and a promise of broken bones. My body shivered at the mercy of his look.

“I will take you home now.” He was smooth and cut to the point.

“Bella, do you know this douche?” Alex didn’t seem fazed.

“No, I don’t.” It wasn’t a lie.

“I work for Romero.” The man said, and then paused for only a moment. “Ms. Isabella, if you would not like something regretful to occur tonight, you will come with me.”

My eyes widened a fraction and all the color drained from my cheeks.  Alex was seething from his place next to me. But he was only a boy and the man before us was a Made Man— a trained killer—my friend didn’t stand a chance in hell.

“Okay, I’ll go.” I said softly after what seemed to be a silent glaring battle between me and my apparent new guard.  He visibly relaxed and stepped to the side, motioning for me to come to him. Perhaps killing a 14 year old boy was not something he actually wanted to do today.


“No Alex,” I cut my friend off. “It’s okay… I’ll see you at school.”

Alex became stiff as a rock when I walked away from him. I shot him a look of apology but wasn’t able to stay any longer because my new guard pulled me out the door and guided me away. Thankfully, we didn’t have to go through the indoor pool room to get to the exit.

Outside, we made our way to a fancy black AUDI and he opened the door for me. He didn’t get in the car right away. But soon enough, we were off, headed in the direction of my father’s mansion. The man didn’t speak a word but his presence was heavy.  The air around us felt thick and I wanted to ask him so many questions. He didn’t seem bothered by the silence at all. He even looked a little pissed that he had to come get me.

Who was he and why was he sent? I conjured up what little courage was left within me.  “Were you recently appointed as my guard?”

He spared me a quick glance. “No.”

It grew silent for a few minutes. Then he sighed. “Ms. Isabella, I have been looking after you since the day of your engagement.” 

My jaw dropped. What the fuck? He’d been with me for almost a year now?!

“Why have I never seen you before?” My voice was shaky.

He shrugged. “I do my job well. It wasn’t necessary until today.”

Until he saw me sucking face with a classmate…“Does my father know?”

“Of course. It is not Mr. Romero’s intention to insult your father. He is merely taking his own precautions to ensure your safety.  ”

Right… Of course.

A sudden thought occurred to me. “Does…” I paused, not knowing how to form the words. Did I even want to know…?

“… Does Anthony know about…?”  My hands were fiddling in my lap; it was a bad habit that occurred whenever I felt anxious or nervous.

He cleared his throat, “I texted him when you got in the car.”

That is why he hadn’t gotten in right away. Shit.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

MAFIA POSSESSION  ( Completed) Where stories live. Discover now