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I descended the remaining steps, and Armando barred my way. “Go change.”

“Excuse me?”

He pointed at my legs. “You’re showing too much leg.”

I pointed at my arms and throat. “I’m also showing my neck and arms.” I lifted one leg. “And I have nice legs.”

Armando stared down at my leg then up at my face with a frown. “Yeah, well, Sebastian doesn’t need to know that.”

I snorted then quickly looked around, worried Sebastian was close enough to overhear. “He will see more than my legslegs soon"

Armando's expression darkened.

“Get out of my way,” I said, trying to pass him.

Armando mirrored my move. “Go change, Isa. Now,” he ordered in a voice he probably reserved for business with other Made Men.

I couldn’t believe his nerve. Did he think I would obey him only because he was a scary big mobster. No fucking way. He is my brother before any of it.
I sticked my tounge out only to tease him because I can.

“You have an impossible temper.”

I smiled. “I have your temper.”

“I’m a man. Women are supposed to be docile.”

I rolled my eyes.

Armando crossed his arms and leaned against the wall beside the window. “You always act like a well-behaved lady when others are around, but Sebastian will get a nasty surprise once he realizes he didn’t get a lady but a fury.”

A flicker of worry flooded me. Everyone outside my family knew me as the Ice Princess. Our family was notorious for being poised and controlled. The only people who really knew me were my sister and my brother.


knock sounded and I turned around to see Sebastian step in.

His brown eyes met mine, and he gave me a small smile. Then his gaze moved on to Armando leaning against the wall behind me. Sebastian's expression tightened the slightest bit. I risked a look over my shoulder and found my brother glaring at my fiancé as if he wanted to crush him to dust. I tried to catch Armando's gaze, but he was content killing Sebastian with his eyes. I couldn’t believe him.

“Avacado, I mean Armando " I said in a forced, polite voice.
" Why don't you give me and Sebastian a moment alone" I tried to press on that world " Alone" So he can take a hint and leave me alone with my soon to be husband.

Armando tore his gaze away from my fiancé and smiled. “I’m already giving you a moment.”


Armando shook his head once, his smile darkening, eyes returning to Danilo. “It’s my responsibility to protect your honor.”

Heat rose to my cheeks. If Sebastian  hadn’t been in the room, I would have lunged at my brother and wrung his neck.

ebastian stepped up to me and kissed my hand, but his eyes were on my brother. Releasing my hand, he said, “I can assure you Isa's honor is perfectly safe in my company. I will wait until our wedding to claim my rights when she is no longer your responsibility "

He had never hinted to sex before, and I knew it was to provoke my brother. Power plays between two alphas.

Armando rocked forward, away from the wall, his hand going to his knife. I turned and stepped up to my brother, placing my hand against his chest. “Armando,” I said in a warning tone, digging my nails into his skin through the fabric of his shirt. “Sebastian is my fiancé. Give us a moment.”

Armando lowered his gaze to my face, and for once his expression didn’t soften. “No,” he said firmly. “And you won’t defy my command.”

I often forgot what Armando was. He was my brother , my best friend.

If I pushed further, he would look weak, and he was supposed to take over as Underboss from Dad in a few years. Even though I hated doing it and had never done it before, I cast my eyes down as if I was submitting to him.

Sebastian might be my fiancé, but Armando would always be my blood, and I didn’t want him to look weak in front of anyone. “You are right,” I said obediently. “I’m sorry.”

Armando touched my shoulder and squeezed lightly. “Sebastian” he said in a low voice. “My sister will leave now. I want a word alone with you."
I gave Sebastian an apologetic smile before I left. Once outside, my smile fell and I stormed through the foyer, needing to vent. Where was Dad? I turned the corner and collided with someone. “Careful,” came a drawl I knew well, and two hands steadied me.

It was my dad.
He looks old now but with a very charming smile on his face.
"Dad Armando embarrassed me in front of Sebastian. He’s alone with him now. Having a word. Can you please check on them. before he ruins everything?”

Dad chuckled but he nodded. “Your brother wants to protect you. Where are they?”

“Living room,” I said.

He squeezed my shoulder before walking away. Anger was still simmering under my skin. I would make Armando pay for it. I made my way upstairs and into his room. A few knives and weapons belonging in a museum decorated the walls, but apart from that it was practically furnished. In a week or two Armando would move into his own apartment and eventually taking over for Dad.

As the time passed I became more nervous. I got up and paced the room. When I heard his steps, I stopped and hid behind the door, carefully slipping out of my heels. The door opened and Armando stepped in. I jumped, trying to land on his back and wrap my arms around his neck like I’d often done in the past.

Armando caught me, hoisted me over his shoulder despite my struggling, and threw me down on the bed. Then he actually held me down, tousling my hair and tickling me.

“How badly did you embarrass me in front of Sebastian?”

“I went over the details of your wedding night with him.”

I stared at Armando in horror. “You didn’t.”

“I did.”

I sat up. “What did you say?”

“I told him he better treat you like a lady on your wedding night. No dominant shit or anything.”

My cheeks blazed with heat, and I hit his shoulder hard

“Stop!” I screeched between laughter. “no , stop!”

He did stop but gave me a smug grin. “You can’t win against me.”

“I liked it better when you were a scrawny boy and not a killing machine "

MAFIA POSSESSION  ( Completed) Where stories live. Discover now