My time to play

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I realized then that he was pissed. Go figure. Anthony basically stayed pissed.  “Is this your resting bitch face?” was my ice-breaker.

His eyes hardened even more, a feat I thought was impossible at this point. Smoke practically steamed from his ears and his nostrils flared. His chin rose as he cut me deep with his words. “This is the dress you asked me to buy? You look like a call girl.” There it was. He didn’t like my outfit.

“What’s the problem, honey? I figured you’d like it. Seeing as most of the women you parade around Los-Angeles have similar styles.”

“Don’t call me honey,” Anthony said harshly. “And you’re 16 years old. That dress is not for you. You should be wearing something more age appropriate.”

I rolled my eyes. “Wow, okay Viktor.” My words hit the spot. Anthony’s eyes narrowed but the moment he was about to say something our food was delivered.

We ate silently. And it was pissing me off. Last year, it had been the same. Only it was a different fight…this isn’t how it everything was supposed to go down tonight.

“You said there would be less arguing and more sightseeing.” I tried to keep my voice neutral. 

“I have too much work and no time for sightseeing,” He said simply. Like it wasn’t a big deal. Like it didn’t matter at all.

“Is this what all our dates are going to be like? You playing the Alpha Dog?” 

“Now that you have breasts are you going to show them off everywhere we go?” He retorted coldly.

“What if I do? Don’t act like the jealous boyfriend. I’m a means to an end, remember?” My aim was to hit and I didn’t miss my target.

His jaw tightened and his blue eyes blazed with what almost looked like hatred. The right thing to do would be to back out now. Who was I kidding? Going up against Anthony Romero was crazy and I knew this… but it was also highly addicting. I needed to get a reaction out of him. I needed to convince him that I could be more than just a mean’s to an end.

I hated how he wanted to look at me and see a child. How he thought I was a little girl he was supposed to be bossing around. Well, I was growing up, and yes there is a lot more to learn in this world, but I was growing up regardless. The scared little 14 year old that signed a contract because she was too afraid to stand up to her father was gone.

The need to take back at least part of my life was overwhelming. Anthony needed to realize what I was made of. And it wasn’t fucking silk and vulnerabilities. I liked to think of myself as more of a thorn. If he didn’t watch out— well, let’s just say, thorns tend to be painful.

But as he studied me now, I saw the spinning wheel get to work, evaluating me brilliantly— and the moment it clicked— his eyes flashed with knowingness.  It seemed some things never changed, his calculating eyes could still see right through me.

“It’s not going to work, Isabella.” He said flatly. “I know what you’re doing and it’s not going to work.” He was a master at reading people, a professional con. He had to be or he wouldn’t have been able to hold such immense power in our world and wield it. He knew how people worked and what they wanted and would always use that power to his advantage. 

Buy my game had hardly just begun and it was too soon to see who would win.

“I don’t know what you mean.” I lied. But Anthony was a lion itching to tear up his prey into bloody pieces.

“You want to make me angry. This little dress of yours was worked into your plan to get me riled up. What did you think would happen? That I would see you and be sexually attracted and maybe even kiss you at the end of the night? I’m not an idiot. I know you’re in love with me.”  He said it like the very notion was beyond ridiculous.

“Are you kidding me right now?” For the first time, I actually raised my voice at Anthony Romero.

Usually it was him, the one giving me his pissy attitude speeches about me not knowing what was best. But right now all I could see was red like a blazing fire or a raging sun that was set up to burst— fucking red.

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