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My phone rang. I checked the caller ID and smiled when I saw it was Alex.

“Hey.” My voice was small as I let my whole body sink into the water slowly, careful not to get the device wet.

“Bella, are you okay?”

“Just here, you know, getting ready for the big day.” The date from hell.

“I know. I’m sorry.” He felt sad for me.

After our little kiss and my dramatic exit at the pool party, Alex had cornered me by the lockers at school and demanded answers. Surprisingly, it had been easy to give them to him. I didn’t know what a relief it would be to share these things with someone who wasn’t a part of the Cosa Nostra. To have someone who wasn’t already tainted by all the blood simply accept me for who I was and not judge or condemn. That’s what Alex did, he had accepted me, and he hadn’t criticized me or lectured me with what he thought I should be doing. He simply accepted me for me.

Alex was more than just my best friend, he was my rock.

“Me too.” If there was a way to make it all go away, I’d do it.

“I wish I could see you Bella, before he comes.” He sounded almost desperate. I couldn’t blame him because I wanted to see him too.

“That’s impossible. My father warned me to stay away from you and if we get caught…I don’t even want to know what happens.” The first time had been bad enough. My father had taken the belt to me and my ass had hurt for two weeks afterwards. No way would I risk another one of his outrages, not even mother could control him when he snapped.

“I’m sorry… I just don’t like this. It’s unjust.” He was angry.

“It is, but you know that’s life in the Familia, Alex.”

“What are you doing right now?”

“I’m Naked. Taking a bubble bath…” I smiled.

“Are you touching yourself?” His voice changed.

“Alex…if we get caught…” I warned, but my hand was already slowly making its way down to my center.

“Touch yourself…I want to hear you come.” He was overcome with desire, as was I.

“Alex, my clit is throbbing...” I whined.

He moaned. “Oh Bella…can you massage your clit slowly?”

My fingers obeyed his request and the pleasure between my legs began to build up. “That feels so nice…” I sighed into the phone.

“If I were there I’d suck on your nipples until they were so pink and sore….”

“God I want that so much Alex…” My fingers began to speed up and add pressure. My climax was getting close.

“Do you want me Bella? Will you let me be inside you one day?” There was so much need in his question, almost desperation.

“Yes I want you Alex. Ohhhhhh it feels good my clit feels so good right now…” Imaging Alex sucking on my nipple, I could almost feel his hot tongue circle them and scrape them. My back arched as my fingers sped up playing with my little nub.

“Alex…I’m going to come…” I sounded so needy and it seemed to turn him on so much.

“Me too baby…” He was breathing hard.  “Oh Bella, come baby girl…ohhhhh ohhhh Bella…”

His moaning did me in. I felt the pleasure explode through my body. “Yessss….Alex…”

We took a moment to collect ourselves and finally I exhaled. “Alex, you have a great voice for phone sex, you know?” I teased.

He laughed. “I love you Bella.”

“I love you too…but you know our confessions are futile. We can never be.” There was no point in lying to ourselves.

“Maybe one day I’ll find a way.” He sounded determined.

“Not if you want to live a long life, Alex.” He was way too stubborn for his own good. Anything he did against Anthony or my father could get him killed and no way would I just stand by and let him do something stupid.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he promised. Alex never liked talking about how my family could easily have him killed and would always cut me off when I’d bring it up.

I ended the call and put the phone on the stool next to my tub. I let my head fall completely into the water and soaked myself for a few moments. It was so soothing and relaxing, I never wanted to get out. My thoughts travelled back to Alex and how he made me feel safe and wanted and loved. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t part of the Cosa Nostra. It didn’t matter that he was a boy. What mattered was how he made me feel every time we were together. The fact that he had nothing to do with the Familia made him all the more desirable in my eyes.

What would it be like if he were the one taking me out on a date instead of Anthony? What would it be like if our relationship didn’t have to be kept a dirty little secret? What would it be like to lose my virginity to a man of my own choosing?

It would undoubtedly be wonderful and exhilarating. Or at least somewhat therapeutic because I was pretty sure the mob would drive me crazy one day.  With all the damn expectations my father had of me. Not to mention how fucking intense Anthony was.

I basically felt like a piece of property or a chess piece they could move whenever they damn well pleased. I didn’t understand how my mother could be so happy on Viktor’s arm. He was so cold of a man and an even worse father— but I supposed that is what made him such a success as the New York Cosa Nostra Capo. Is that what Anthony would be like once we were married? Would he whip our children into submission?

Alas, those thoughts had to die with my imagination because I needed air. And if I didn’t want to have a mental break down tonight, then ending all thoughts about my future would Anthony Romero should be priority. Those kinds of thoughts wouldn’t help me because only the worst would stem from my imagination.

I rose from the water, sucking in a deep breath. My thought changed to an obvious and easy one—tomorrow I would officially be 15 years old.

-Happy Fucking birthday Isabella -

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