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A shiver ran down my spine.and he picked up up and within flash of seconds I was slammed against the wall.
I hooked my legs around him and he bites my neck.
I looked in his eyes it was full of pure lust and desire.
He entered me with a force that I screamed out his name. Within a blink of seconds he rammed inside me. "Baby you don't know how badly I wanna kill that fucker who touched you in bar,why can't you understand I am your fate. You are mine whether you like it or not" his deep voice and scary aura was scaring shit out of me.
I didn't utter a word.

I closed my eyes,and next thing I remember was sunlight hitting on mirror.
I woke up and saw Antonio besides me looking heavenly handsome.

I blushed at his sight and whisped" he is my fate, I can't escape this".

He opened his eyes and smirked and said "get dressed, I don't have whole day" and he walked outside.

I dressed up and moved outside and I noticed adnios leaning against wall.
"you had a great time with my brother" he says with a wink

I can't do anything so I made a disgust face and said " Not really he sucks"
Your kisses must really suck bro, can’t even make a teenager want more…” Adonis said through barely controlled laughter.

He rolled his eyes and Sophia came in
and said " we wanna contact Armando" Adnios rolled his eyes "Dream about it" from the corner i can see Maya smirking at our situation "Fucking bitch" I murmured under breath

“Shut up!” Sophia said heatedly. “If you don’t let us call Armando, we’ll leave now.” She turned to me and grabbed my arm with her ever so soft hands. “Let’s go, Bella.” But right as she turned to leave, pulling me with her, like we had a real chance of actually walking out—the elevator rang, opened, and in walked Maya like she owned the damn place.

A look that could kill took over her super-model face the moment she caught sight of us. Her eyes shifted to Anthony and flashes of last night, the way Anthony had tried to soothe her, make her feel better, came rushing into my mind, reminding me of the part that this bitch played in my fiancée’s life.

“What’s going on here?” She drawled with a questioning gaze, evidently annoyed that we had not yet disappeared, and still very much existed in her perfect little bubble of life.

“Nothing,” Anthony replied from behind us and I couldn’t help but turn back around to look at him.

“Bella,” Sophia said. “Let’s go, now.”

“You’re not going anywhere, not yet, anyways.” Adonis said evenly. “The guards downstairs? 158 times better at their job than the joke of men on your detail…” It was a ridicule of both my father and brother and all of the New York Familia.

“So what? We’re your prisoners now?” I asked incredulously. If we were, it wouldn’t last very long. My family would send a militia of Made-Men out to find us. That much was failsafe.

Maya walked passed us to the kitchen where Anthony stood. “Tell me why they are here. You didn’t come last night like you said you would…” She trailed off as she looked back in my direction.

My eyes narrowed at her. “Yeah, Anthony, why are we here?” I mock-questioned. Needing to hear what he’d say…how he would explain me away this time.

Anthony gave Maya a strict look. “I’m in business with her father. She is underage…yet somehow managed to sneak into my club last night…” He spoke the truth. And somehow that felt like a jibe to my heart. Why had I expected some sort of lie? Why did I even want him to lie?

“How does that explain what I saw last night?” She asked, not entirely convinced. And not even an ounce bit afraid of Anthony.

“You mean when Bella was straddling on your man?” Adonis inquiry wasn’t really an inquiry at all. It was a chance for him to crack another one of his stupid crude jokes. Like he found the whole situation of me and Anthony to be the funniest thing ever.

Anthony shot his brother a ‘you’re-not-helping-asshole’ look. “We aren’t exclusive, Maya. You know this. Stop with the fucking jealousy act.” He cut to the chase. Saying it with such finality, effectually causing the brunette to shut up, causing my lips to twist into a wide grin.

“Aww looks like you did right by your little girlfriend, bro.” Adonis laughed as he noticed my grin, managing to wipe it right off my face just as fast as it had appeared.

“You’re both assholes,” I said. “So what then? If we can’t leave, what do you want? Are you going to torture us in hopes of getting answers?”

“Good luck.” Sophia scowled.

Anthony rolled his eyes and sighed exaggeratedly. “I called your brother this morning, Isabella.” He didn’t even acknowledge my cousin.  Seemed their hatred was mutual. “Armando and I have much to discuss…You two will be driven back to the hotel.”  Then he turned to look at Maya. “I have to take them now but I’ll be back in a couple of hours. We’ll talk later.” 

Maya looked like she could spit fire and it was obvious that her anger was directed mostly at me. She was looking like she wasn’t used to being tossed to the side so easily, like she was unnerved at being ignored twice in the last 24 hours.  Before we left, I made sure to give her a satisfied smirk and teasing wink.  That bitch was only just learning who I was and if she got in my way, I’d take her down.

SOPHIA AND I followed as the brothers led us down to the underground garage. Marcello was there sitting at a table that that had two monitors. Instantly I disliked the sight of him. Marcello brought back all sorts of bad memories, of a once innocent love, an innocent boy and girl, a love which he played a huge part in slaughtering and disassembling.

Sophia was already inside a car with Adonis when I tried to open the door, but the car was locked. “What the fuck?” Tried to open it again, this time using more force.

“You’re coming with me,” Anthony said as his hand wrapped around my arm firmly, pulling me in the direction of a black Ferrari, away from my cousin.

“No!” I Shoved out of his grasp and stepped away. “I can’t be anywhere alone with you.” Not caring that Marcello was within earshot, silently watching our exchange, like a loyal dog just waiting on his master’s beck and call.

Anthony looked taken aback, shocked at my complete refusal to go anywhere near him. “What’s wrong, Isabella?” He asked in a deep voice, barely tolerant. Like the asshole really had no fucking idea what could possibly make me want to be nowhere near him. And I was really just pulling his strings, making an already shit day, worse.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” My tone incredulous, ready for a fight, ready to throw it in his face. Just itching for my damn scratch.                                                                                                                                                                                              

My eyes shifted to Sophia who was trying desperately to get out of the car Adonis had locked her in. A minute passed, and just like that, my future asshole of a brother-in-law drove away, uncaring of the fact that he left me behind with a man that knew no bounds.

“Last night you—” He tried to reach for me but somehow I managed to evade his touch.

“I was drunk.” I cut him off. Did he seriously not know this? “Did you really think I could forgive you that easily? I was drunk… I was induced, out of my goddamn mind, under the damn influence… and definitely not myself… I was incredibly stupid...” I paused to give him the most serious look I could possibly muster and then finished my rant with, “It will never happen again. It was a mistake.”  Jackass.

Anthony frowned, his body calmed as he watched me carefully.  Not at all affected by my outrage and anger. Keeping his own emotions in check. Not showing a goddamn sign that he was human. “What is done cannot be undone.” Words that were meant to make me see sense and maybe even have me forgive and forget.

Like Hell.

MAFIA POSSESSION  ( Completed) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin