His heart

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You look nice today, Isabella,” Anthony complimented, ignoring my question. “I have a surprise for you though and that dress won’t cut it,” He placed his hand on the small of my back with the intention of leading us forward. I had to bite my tongue, force myself not to flinch away. We were in public and he wouldn’t do anything here. It wouldn’t be wise to cause a scene. But the look he shot me, though quickly disguised, made it obvious that he hadn’t missed my initial reaction.

He did not retract. And His firm touch caused me to be fully aware of our proximity as he directed me further into the park. And he was being unusually pleasant, reminding me of how he’d been on our first date when he’d taken me to the movies. That had been a semblance of the Anthony that I frequently fantasied.

Despite wanting to hate him, somehow a horrifying opposite had occurred.

“What’s the surprise?” I asked, trying to distract myself from his touch and keep myself from touching him back. Trying to keep my feelings in check, my heart from imploding, and my emotions from seeping through the very thin-cracked-lines of my cool façade.

“If I told you it wouldn’t be much of a surprise,” His eyes frothed with amusement. Not at all bothered or affected by what was undoubtedly strange behavior from my part.

“I didn’t know you were such a romantic,” My words dripped with sarcasm. Disturbed by the things he made me feel, at how nothing seemed to penetrate his protective walls. Nothing really ever seemed to bother this man… or phase or slow or tame.

Is that what made him so appealing?

Anthony frowned, “I’m not…trust me on that one.”  His hand on my back slipped further till it was all the way around my middle and he drew me so close that his minty fragrance infiltrated my nose. “But I can be when I need to,” He whispered into my ear, causing a shudder to travel down the length of my spine as unwanted desire sparked within me at his sexy voice.

But I wasn’t supposed to be feeling any of this for him.  It was dangerous. Suicidal even, I had offered everything to him and he’d turned me down and had stripped me to my bones, leaving only dismay in his wake. He was mistaken if he thought me a sucker. A sucker for that charming smile, that deep rusty voice, those hard, big, strong hands— I’d never fall for it again. I had begged him to stay despite what he’d done and lost all self-respect and dignity in the process.

But I’d never beg him again, despite my treacherous body. Despite wanting him.

And just what did that even mean? I looked up into his big blue eyes and was about to question him… but he reached past me and opened a door to the structure behind me. Steadying my form, even, as I almost lost balance in a miserable fit of trying to avoid his touch.  And Before I could say anything at all, he was dragging me inside and we were ascending up the dark stairs, my thoughts practically a puddle of mud.

I knew this was an alternative entrance to a ride. I’d seen the line that had been forming right before we entered the building.  So I pushed away all thoughts of my fiancée and silently tried to pep-talk myself into being brave, today I’d ride my first rollercoaster, a first I somehow never thought I’d share with Anthony Romero. Though I suppose who else would I share it with? Aside from Sophia, my family all had broom sticks up their asses. If anything, the sad truth was that Anthony was the only hope left of actually doing anything fun in this world once we were finally married.

Not that that made me feel any better.

When we arrived at the second to highest level of the structure, Marcello was there, waiting for us with a backpack in his hand. He had that same insane amount of product holding his hairstyle that always made him look sticky.  I stopped in my tracks and looked up at Anthony with a scowl, “Seriously?” My eyes shifted back to the Smokey eyes of the Made-Man that somehow always got under my skin, like there was something brutal behind them, there every time, waiting to hit with a smashing force at the first sign of weakness.

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