His Anger

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His hands leaned in to the wall on either side of my head. "You realize what you just did?" He asked ruefully.

My eyes widened but I didn't have a chance to reply because his lips were on me, demanding entrance. My mouth opened slightly from the shock but Anthony ceased the opportunity to plunge in his tongue and explore.

This wasn't a gentle kiss the way Alex would kiss me. This wasn't a kiss filled with love and respect. This was an angry kiss. A possessive kiss....this was a kiss to put me in my place.

My hands pushed at his hard chest in an attempt to get him off. But he only stumbled for a moment before he had me pinned at the wall again. His lips were suffocating and I was struggling for oxygen.

This was what I had dreamt about many nights in secret. This is what I wanted him to do to me but yet could never admit. I had said the words to get this reaction...but I never wanted it like this.

Not like this.

"Anthony, stop!" My voice begged the moment he broke away for some air. But his lips found my neck and his hands were in my hair tugging at my black locks in a painful manner. My head was forced back and my neck exposed to his treacherous lips.

"Anthony you're scaring me!" I cried. But it didn't seem to faze him at all. He was in a wild frenzy and I didn't know how to bring him back.

"You should have kept your pretty little mouth shut," he said in between harsh kisses. "But you don't know how to shut up. You wanted me to react." His hands pulled the skirt of my dress up and my stomach began to sink low to the fucking ground. Was this really happening?

Had I really misjudged his character this fucking much? I knew the horrible things my family did. The horrible things his family did. But somehow I thought we all had a moral compass. The ugly crimes committed were done because it's the price you pay as a member of the outfit. But this...what he was about to do, this was something else entirely.

"This is me reacting," he declared. His eyes traveled down and saw my exposed underwear. Not the sexiest thing to wear but I honestly didn't think they'd be on display. The heat in his eyes intensified ten-fold.

"My father will kill you," I warned. Hoping that it would cause him to back off, but instead his head flew back and he laughed deeply.

"Your father will thank me for keeping you despite the fact that you're not a virgin," His head whirled back down and he shrugged off his jacket. My eyes widened as I watched his hands make work with his belt.

"No Anthony, you have a girlfriend, the brunette." I tried again, desperate. "And you said it yourself, I'm only 16, I'm basically a child." I was pulling at straws.

"Maya knows her place," his pants dropped and his silky black boxers were for display. "And you don't look like a child. This is what you wanted." He was on me again and I felt his erection rub against my center with only the layer of both our underwear to prevent actual contact.

His hands were working on my back zipper and I felt hot tears rush to my eyes. Panic was setting in, would this really happen here? In a fucking restaurant- with his goons on the other side of the door? Was the staff even gone or were they just in the other room too? Would this really be how Anthony would take my virginity? I'd fantasied about this moment so many times and yet somehow this hadn't even been one of the many possibilities.

He bit down on my neck harshly and my dress fell to the floor. My breasts were exposed- I hadn't worn a bra today. I tried to cover myself with my hands but Anthony was too fast and he pinned both my hands above me to the wall. He parted my legs with one of his own and took in the sight of me exposed. His eyes were alive with lust.

Lust and anger.

"You will be my wife. It's about time you learn just what that means." He pressed his erection into my center again and a sudden gasp escaped my lips.

I have no experience in writting smut so spare me if I did any mistake
Thanks ly<3

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