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I blinked. “Do you like me saying it?” Sweat began to form on my brow and my hands began to get shaky again.  I crossed my legs under the table. Fiddling with my manicured nails, I looked away from him, afraid I’d crack under the weight of sheer power he emanated with his look. 

He released a hoarse laugh, “Calm down Isabella. You look like I’m about to pounce on you. Rest assured that I can wait four years. Especially with you looking like mother fucking Teresa.”

I flinched. That was a low blow.  Anthony was making fun of me! He had some fucking nerve!

“Why are you doing this? And don’t lie to me! That’s all men like you know how to do, is lie! You can’t actually want me to be your wife! You’re a celebrity, practically a god in your own city. You can have whoever you want. Not to mention women in the Familia who are older and fully fucking developed.” My voice raised a notch.  “Even some that might actually desire this marriage!”

“Like Sophia?” He countered slickly. My eyes widened, memories flashing back to the day when we signed the contract, when I had told my father to give away Sophia instead of me. He was pulling the fucking guilt trip. Kudos, Anthony.

He was like the fucking devil, knew exactly what to say, and when to say it. I was beginning to cower.

“No. Not Sophia.” I instantly felt bad. And he knew it.

“Okay.” Anthony suddenly grew serious. He was no longer amused. His blue eyes became cold and icy. The air around us was heavy with resentment from both sides. I could see it in his eyes, he resented me. Well that made no goddamned sense, now did it? Seeing how he was the one who actually had control over our situation!

“Okay. You want the truth? You’re right. The last thing I want is to marry some snot-nosed pimple faced child. But did you ever think that perhaps the reason why I’m doing this is not to ruin your life? You’re a bit self-centered, aren’t you?” His brows furrowed and he lifted up his chin.  “Think about it, you are the daughter of Viktor Martin del Campo, Capo to New York Cosa Nostra.” He paused, eyes shining with raw anger at being challenged.

“The reason why I chose you is because despite what you think of me, I am a man of honor and I’ve sworn my life to the Familia. There are no hidden agendas, no ulterior motives other than the fact that you were perfect— a marriage to you would make the alliance stronger because of the position your father holds in the Familia, as Capo.”  He was furious and I could only sit back and take in his words.

“Although I could go to war and kill your father and brother along with quite a few of your cousins, it would not be without casualties. It would only create more problems than it would solve. Oh, and just FYI, despite being a celebrity, I would never marry outside of the Familia, my father would never allow that…nor would I disgrace my people in such a way. ’” His nostrils flared, like the thought of him being without honor was just revolting.

“Taking another woman as my bride would diminish the strength of the alliance because your father is the strongest of them all. That’s the ugly truth. Not to mention if I were to take anyone else, they would want to marry right away. Something that… I’m not quite ready for.” He looked away from me and picked up his glass to take another swig of his wine.

The last part was a personal confession and it stilled me. Everything he had said was true and I already knew it. But the last part…the part that he wasn’t prepared for marriage... making me his ideal candidate…it rubbed me the wrong way. 

“Why is that? Is it because you enjoy fucking around so much?” I even surprised myself with that one…talking to him like that on the phone was one thing…this was entirely something else. He didn’t miss my accusatory tone.

“I suggest you think about the words you speak to me, Isabella. I’ve only showed you one side of me,” Anthony hissed.

“Yes, but don’t worry, I already know the worst.” Tears welled up in my eyes and I tried hard to make them go away. This was already humiliating enough. No need to show him any more weaknesses.

Long seconds passed and I wanted nothing more than to just go home. My desire was to get away and no longer share the same air with Anthony Romero— the man who had used his position of power to trap me in his clutches.

My stomach flopped and the sense of dread that I’d been pushing away for almost a year now, hit me like a fucking wrecking ball. He was never going to let me go. He was going to have me sooner or later and if I didn’t get with the program, I’d suffer a great deal.

I’d see his other fucking side.

A young man wearing all black with a white apron came to us, holding a tray with our food, and I was thankful for the momentary distraction. Though, it didn’t go unnoticed that I hadn’t ordered anything at all. Anthony had pre-ordered our dinner long before our arrival. My fiancée thanked the guy politely— he was the fucking devil in disguise— and the guy left hurriedly.

We ate our salad in awkward silence and I took another sip of the delicious wine, still avoiding looking directly at his penetrating gaze. That didn’t seem to bother him; he was so calm and collected. And I figured, the less we spoke, the faster we could move on with our lives and go on pretending like the other didn’t fucking exist.

Except that a little voice tugged at my conscience because that’s not what I’d done this year at all. All year I’d been consumed with my obsession to virtually stalk him. It was frustrating and completely unexplainable— thankfully he didn’t know. But I knew, and it exasperated me.

We finished the salad, and afterwards the main course, and even though I didn’t order it, it all tasted very good.  The young man returned again with a chocolate cake that had number candles already lit on it. My eyes widened in momentary shock and chanced a look at Anthony who no longer seemed pissed at all.  In fact, he was wearing a cocky grin.

Staring mutely at the man who would one day be my husband, butterflies fluttered deep in my stomach. A ghost of a smile returned to my lips and after some hesitation, I finally gave into the well manners that had been bestowed on me by my family. “Thank you,” I said.

His expression softened just a bit. It made my heart skip a beat.  “Isabella…I didn’t intend to fight with you on our first date.” His hand reached across the table and rested on top of mine. “We should get along…I’d like for us to get along.”

His eyes were firm yet questioning. There was no way denying him anything when he looked at me like that. My I wrapped my fingers with his and squeezed lightly.

I exhaled.  “I would like that very much, Anthony.”

After blowing out the candles and making a wish, we both had some of the chocolate cake. We talked a bit longer but he mainly asked all the questions. It was impossible to not be nervous with all the attention he was giving me, like he was genuinely interested in my life. He fixated his inquiries mostly on my school, my grades, my interests and my friends— he wisely avoided any questions about Alex.

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