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Today was the beginning of the end of my life.

Anthony Romero is 25 years old. He is well beyond my years and I knew nothing of his personality, only that he was a cold blooded killer and was incredibly skilled in torture. My older cousin Sophia had once told me of his handsome features but she said he was cold as ice. And that scared me too, if he was to be capo of the Los-Angeles familia that meant he’d have to be just a strict, cold, and merciless like my father was.

I had never thought I’d marry a man like my father. I had always thought I’d marry for love— for my own reasons, at my own time, surrounded by family and happiness. Though I shouldn’t have been so naive, after all, my whole life had been controlled by my father, by the mob.

My friends, my activities, and my education; even the clothes I was allowed to wear had to meet certain standards.

My sister Eliza and I walked down the large flight of stairs together, hand in hand. I tried to calm myself down; after all I had done this plenty of times before, my family always had fancy dinner parties. This was no different. I willed myself not show any weakness, I was a Martin Del Campo, my father would not be very happy if I allowed fear to control me. I wasn’t supposed to know of the engagement, so if I did or said anything that my father deemed inappropriate, I’d surely get punished.

“Isabella you look beautiful,” Sophia’s voice cut into my thoughts. I looked up at her, she was already 18 years old and she looked like a super-model. Her blonde bob swayed effortlessly as her beautiful brown eyes looked upon me with gentleness and a hint of pity. She always carried herself well; she always looked like she belonged on the cover of Vogue. She was a fucking lady.

I wondered why they couldn’t give her to Anthony instead. But I soon found myself feeling guilty over the horrid thought that had crossed me.  Sophia was always looking out for me and my sisters like we were her sisters. She lived in our neighbourhood.

  Sophia was always looking out for me and my sisters like we were her sisters. She lived in our neighborhood and was always around, being a great cousin.  I supposed she needed the company since she was an only child.

“Where are we going father?” I asked, as I noticed we were leaving the guests behind us, walking into the direction where he conducted most of his cruel decisions.
To my office, there is someone you need to meet.” I glanced back and noticed my brother Armando following quietly behind us. I tried to smile at him but he simply avoided my eyes.

He must be feeling guilty. Armando hadn’t even woken me up with a birthday present— something which he did every year for me and my sisters. Serves him right for not telling me of father’s plan sooner, maybe I could have come up with a better argument had I known about this before.

My father opened the door to his office and I walked in slowly, immediately recognizing Anthony and his father Roman, the current capo of Los-Angeles. To Anthony’s Left was another man, who I assumed was related to them because he had the same pitch black dark hair as Anthony and his father did. They all had a different shade of stone-cold blue eyes.

But my eyes quickly directed focus on Anthony. He was so much bigger than I, twice my height and so well built; the space around him radiated power and strength. He could crush me with one hand, of that I had no doubt. He was wearing a tightly fitted black suit; his dark hair tightly combed over and parted—looking like such a business man.

But I knew better. He was a killer. And I was to be his bride. He had tattoos covering his neck and disappearing down below into his attire, and as my eyes roamed his body they only landed right back on those icy cool departed eyes.

MAFIA POSSESSION  ( Completed) Where stories live. Discover now