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If my father didn’t kill me, something told me Anthony would.

We arrived at my father’s estate and I noticed with dread that Armando’s car was back. Oh the shit-storm that would await me once inside. Father had not used a belt on me in quite some years but somehow the possibility of me getting my ass whooped into oblivion was very real right now.

Tears collected in my eyes and my breath hitched. I couldn’t go in there. There was no way. I was dead. My father would kill me and if he didn’t Armando or my fiancée surely would.

A vibration sounded to my left and my new guard handed me his phone.  I stared blankly at the device being offered up to me.


Hell no.

No. No. No. No. No.

My head shook on its own…no way was I going to answer that. I knew exactly who was waiting on the other line.

Not going to fucking happen. -
“Ms. Isabella, you will have a word with your fiancée.” He didn’t seem to be affected by my emotional state at all. The look he gave me spoke volumes about how this was definitely not an option.

Gulping, my hand reached up to take the device. “Hello?” My voice was small.

“Isabella…” he sounded dark and dangerous and it was that voice that had been etched into my memory almost a year ago. This was Anthony, and he was angry.  “I hear you fancy yourself with a boyfriend.”

If I didn’t know any better I would have thought he was cracking a joke. But I did know better. Men like him didn’t crack jokes. Men like him delivered threats and brought you down to your knees. They stripped you from all power and kept you from rising against them.

Men like him bended your will to their own.

Everything within me screamed— nothing within me wanted to bend to his will. Freedom was my only desire, Freedom of speech, freedom of will, and freedom to live my own life. Anthony needed to leave me the fuck alone.

Tears finally spilled from my eyes and a small sob escaped my lips. What could possibly be said to defend my actions? To make him go away? To make all of this go away?

Nothing. I was smart enough to know what I’d done was extremely stupid and hazardous to my health. And I couldn’t take it back. What was done was done.

“This will not happen again.” It was a command, his voice low and deep, it carried the weight of his power and authority. “Nothing, like this will ever happen again.”

My thoughts were practically putty, I was unable to conjure up a response. My tears continued to flow down my cheeks and I tasted the saltiness in my mouth. My guard seemed completely unaware, or maybe he was making a point to pretend like he wasn’t even there.

“Do you understand?” Anthony’s voice raised a notch with the question.

My head nodded automatically, and oddly enough, it was like he saw my silent response.

“Good.” He paused. “Marcello will be keeping a close eye on you.”

I gulped. “I have Lucas and Allesandro.”

A threatening growl sounded on the other side of the line and immediately my brain recognized the mistake.

“You will not question me.” His voice resonated through my whole body.  Every blood cell was aware of his voice, every hair on my skin was alert, and every beat of my heart was sped up.

“I’m sorry…I just…” Shaking my head in frustration… I decided to step out of the car. Somehow it was easier to speak without Marcello in the same space. Thankfully, he didn’t make a move to follow me out.

MAFIA POSSESSION  ( Completed) Where stories live. Discover now