Shit gets old

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"When I fall in love with you baby, and that's not what I wanna do.."

The boys were huddled around the small makeshift fireplace on the beach, stereo playing in the background as Jake twirled Tara around to it.
Elton and Corey were splashing each other with water and laughing as they stumble over each other, it had been four months since they had come out and everyone accepted them with open arms.
Colby was out of town with his mom and sister, planning things for Christmas, the second time in a row he had let Sam down, on big occasions.

Sure he loved Colby seeing his family and seeing him happy but there comes a time where your boyfriend deserves at least a little bit of attention, not zero.


A truck door slamming shut in the distance, the pitter patter of feet against cold sand and the shadow looming over him.

"You didn't answer my calls, none of them."

Fiddling with a stick on the ground, he purposefully ignored him, like he had done to him for eight months.


"Yo Sam! Come look at this jellyfish!" Elton shouted as he waved him over, Sam dropped the stick and ran over, leaving Colby by the logs.
"He's here?"


"He just left you and then came back expecting you to be okay with that?"

"Suppose so."

Corey shook his head, Sam could already see the look he was giving Colby and he nudged his side.

"Don't scare him off."

"I'm sick of this shit, he's being such a douche to you and it's not funny."
Sam shrugged and looked out at the water, the waves rolling into shore at all different speeds, some crashing, some slowing and some just small vibrations.

"He will leave because I'm not talking to him, he doesn't just get to abandon and ignore me for eight months and then show up when I stop talking to him and expect me to be okay with it."

"Yea!" Elton shouted as Corey clapped his hands sassily, nodding his head and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Stop being weird."

"You first."

Sam snorted before hugging them both, he loved these two, despite everything between him and Colby, he knew he could count on these two.

"Thanks guys."


"So you're just going to ignore me."

He hadn't stopped talking to Sam, trying to, to be more precise since the beach. Sure, maybe Sam was being petty?
His boyfriend hadn't talked, reached out, kissed, hugged or even looked at him for eight months.

"What did I do for you to be such a dick?"


"Oh finally he fucking talks."

"This is ridiculous."

"No what's ridiculous is my boyfriend hasn't being answering my calls, talking to me or looking at me."

"So what, you haven't been doing the same shit to me for eight months?" Sam scoffed as Colby reeled back in hurt, he knew how Colby played.

"What the fuck, I've shown you the best of me Sam."

"Stop the bullshit, cut the bullshit. Shit gets old. I'm getting tired of trying to work things out, I'm tired of finding excuses and giving you chances. Sometimes for the peace of mind.. you have to let people go. So they can go do their dumb shit... to someone else."

Continuing to fold his clothes, Colby reached out and grabbed his arm, gentle but firm.


"I'm done. We're done."

Pushing Colby back, he zipped up the bag and rushed out, grabbing his keys on the way and ripping himself out of Colby grip.


"No you fucked up Colby, next time you date someone, especially a friend, don't fucking treat them like you did to me.. goodbye."

Colby stood there blubbering as Sam got in his car, stop the shit, that's all Sam asked, he never did.


"Enough. I'm done, your a liar."

Speeding off, he didn't look back

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