"Best friends? Bullshit." Pt 1

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Summary: Elton calls bullshit.


"Oh I know they're secretly fucking." Elton shouted as him and Corey walked through the dorm hallways, getting strange looks along the way. "Yea Karen, I'm talking about my friends piss off." Elton proceeded to yell at a young freshman.


"Sorry, she gave me a weird look."

"I wonder why?" Corey acted shocked as he raised his knuckle, tapping on the boys door. "Shut up bitch."

As it flung open, Colby answered, headphones half in, t-shirt round the wrong way and toothbrush hanging out the side of his mouth. Elton snickered quietly as Corey tried to form a sentence, his mind disagreeing with him.

"What?" Pulling the toothbrush out of his mouth, he stared at them strangely. "You look wrecked." Elton finally spoke up for the both of them.

"Yea, well not in the way you think. I was up till like 4 playing Mario kart, beat your record Corey." Colby smugly announced as Coreys jaw dropped even further. "No fucking way."

He pushed past him and went straight for the tv.

"You didn't really did you?"

"No, oh god no." Colby laughed as he went back into the bathroom. Elton closing the door and taking his shoes off, something Corey didn't. "Dude shoes now." Clicking his fingers, Corey flipped him off and continued to scroll through the games list, desperately searching for his pride.

"Hey Colby wher-" Sam walked into the lounge room, in nothing but his boxers and phone in hand. "Uh hi? When they fuck did you guys get here?" Sam pointed between the two of them, Corey shrugged.

"About five seconds ago, when you guys stopped banging." Elton cheered as he imitated the banging position, earning a glare from both Sam and Corey. "What?"

Sam rolled his eyes and knocked on the bathroom door, a mumble signalled Colby was listening and he continued. "Where's the remote for the thing?"

Elton spun around real quick as he watched Sam pick at his nails waiting for a response, it seriously felt like his head had exploded.

Remote? Sex toy? Fucking?

"Uhh laundry floor." Sam thanked him and walked past the gaping man before him.

"What you staring at there dude?"

"Them two, no way are they just friends, I call bullshit." Elton stated, sitting down beside the prideful boy. "You can't call bullshit over something you have no control over Elto."

"Always so wise Corey." He mocked as Corey shoved him and boasted loudly about the fact that his high score still wasn't beaten. Colby had poked his head out and strolled over, pretending to be upset and confused.

"What!? But I saved it, oh wait, it must have been COD." He flicked his head in a duh way and scoffed at himself.

"Shut the fuck up." Corey almost flung himself at the controller as Colby burst out laughing. "I'm fucking with you."

"Okay we have class till two and then we will meet up at the bar? Sound right?"

"Sure!" "Why not." "Beans."

They all turned to Corey as he shrugged and scratched his head.


"Hey I didn't kill anyone today!" Corey announced as he walked over to the group and bowed. "Congrats? Want a medal or something?" Elton gave him a judgy look before downing the rest of his drink.

"Shut up you love me." Corey smiled fondly as he leaned down and pecked his lips, earning a quiet hum of approval before sliding in next to him.

Sam and Colby were quiet, despite how loud the bar was. Elton looked between the two curiously, fiddling with Corey's rings as well. Sam would occasionally look over at Colbys unreflective eyes and give him a sad look before looking away or down at his drink.

Once when Sam had gotten up to go to the bathroom, Colby had not so subtly checked him out and followed him with his eyes the whole way there. Corey had nudged Elton only then, when he knew that something was fishy between them and it wasn't the chick in roller skates coming around with drinks.

"You smile like an idiot when you look at him." Kicking Colbys leg, he winced and leant down to rub it, stopping and staring at the two in front of him, smirking. "Huh?"

"Sam, it's always Sam hey?"

"What do got mean he's my best friend."

Colbys eyes diverted from him and followed something behind the boys, the blonde haired boy was back and with that Colbys concentration was gone.

"Uh huh, sure." Corey had chuckled between them as they ordered more drinks.


"I wanna dance with somebody!" Eltons groggy voice rang out above everyone else's as he danced with Corey to the loud, bass jumping music. The two off in their own little drunk world, expressing their feelings through singing and touching.

Whereas on the other side of the room, the two boys sat there in silence, watching the lovers dance and laugh together. Colby would sneak a look at the blonde and sigh deeply, causing Sams eyes to fly back to his, both everting as soon as they connected.

"WELL IT BURN WHILE I CRIED!" Some random guy had shouted as he ran past them, cradling his crotch as a girl followed behind shouting. "YEA WELL NEXT TIME DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME WITHOUT CONSENT FUCK FACE."

Sams mouth dropped to the floor as he tried not to laugh at the retreating guy with an angry girl after him. "YOU GET HIM GIRL!" Colby shouted as he banged the side of the booth in confidence.

"I WILL!" She yelled back making them both burst out laughing. "Strong girl." Colby muttered before 'tsk' ing and taking a sip.

"Boooysss.. come on!" Elton jumped up and down as Corey tried to keep him standing straight, was difficult as Elton kept leaning in to kiss him and then dodging him shouting 'damn bitch.'

"No I'm alright.." Sam yelled back as Corey frowned at him in concern, Sams face had paled significantly since they arrived. "Nah come on mate."

Colby leaned across the table and grabbed Sams hand, dragging them both out onto the dance floor. Sam swear he lost consciousness as soon as they touched, Colbys warm skin gripping his.

Gosh.. I'm a fucking love sick bitch..

Colby spun him around and let go of his hand as they giggled amongst themselves, dancing to the music sporadically. It was almost simultaneously, Sams eyes had caught Colbys and everything slowed down, like in a movie. He watched Colbys curls bounce gently to the movement of the music and smiled, his eyes crinkling up as he let his body take control. The weird lip bite thing he does when he's excited or happy.

Colbys eyes softened as he glanced down at the boy, Elton and Corey off making out in the distance. They don't know who initiated it first but one thing led to another and Colby had dragged them into the bathroom, lips locked and pushed him against a wall. Colby stared at Sam in a way that made his knees go weak, his fists clench harder against Colbys shirt and his breathing stop.

That was the final straw.

There's no going back now..

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