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For years Sam had been struggling with his sexuality, he didn't know if he was bisexual or homosexual, this was something he had been struggling with since he was around 15. Ever since Jimmy Den had marched right up to him in the middle of class and kissed him square on the lips, the whole class had laughed and threw things at them as Jimmy laughed along with them, leaving Sam standing there in embarrassment.

Since that day, he's been questioning himself ever since. It didn't help that his best friend was a literal walking god, every time he saw Colby his heart skipped one or two hundred beats and he originally thought that was normal, until he didn't feel that around anyone else.

So I'm gay?

Sam tapped his pencil against the desk as his leg bounced under the table, the laptop screen was wide open and he had a tab running, it was a simple google search that had made him think..

'How do I know if I'm gay.."

No, I'm bisexual.

As he scrolled down the page, he realised that he was fitting all those categories, he fit in with the idea of being with a man, being more attracted to males as well..


"Hey man I-"

As his door open, he slammed his laptop shut and awkwardly turned in his chair towards the voice.

"If your watching porn put a sign up!" Colby laughed as he leaned against the doorframe. Sam nodded and looked away as he rubbed his arm sheepishly, as he looked back at Colby he realised that he was in a tank top and board shorts.

Oh fuck..

"We're going down to the beach, wanna come?"

See Colby in nothing but board shorts and his muscles flexing in the water... uhhh no thanks, I don't wanna have a heart attack and die.

"I-I have to finish my editing but I'll catch up with you guys later.." he smiled shortly at the boy in his door way as he gave him a funny look before nodding and closing the door.

Groaning, he dropped his head and rubbed his eyes with desperate annoyance.

"Hey Sam.."


Elton opened the door cautiously before sitting down on his bed and smiling comfortably at him.

"I know.."


"S-sorry what?"

"I know your bisexual.." he smiled warmly at him as the room changed from tensed to safe in a matter of seconds.


"I went through a phase like this, trust me.. I know."

"Is there anything I can do to speed up the process?" Sam leaned forward intrigued before he heard another knock at the door, this time Corey walked in.

"You just have to let it come to you naturally.." Elton continued as Corey sat down and rubbed Eltons hand appreciatively.

"I finally understood I was when I felt a different way towards Corey, my heart always beat really fast around him and my thoughts would completely fly out the window whenever he talked to me or even looked at me.."

"I-I don't know though, whether I'm gay or bisexual.."

"It will come to you don't worry and we will be here to support you 200%." They both smiled at him as Sam relaxed and hugged them both.

"I think I'm in love with Colby.." they're faces both dropped and they looked at each other.


"I love you too.." all three heads shot towards the door as Colby stood there, wide eyed and wet hair.

"I realised when I was at the beach, I was upset that you didn't come with us, I always seem to be upset with you when you don't come with us.. wait that's not how I meant to-"

"I get it.."

"No listen... I think that you mean more to me than I've ever felt towards anybody, your my home.. I can't comprehend shit without you.. your my safety, my love, my understanding and my home.."

"Colby.." Sam whispered out smiling and teary eyed..

"I love you Sam.. I don't think I'm ever gonna stop loving you."

"AWW YOU GUYSSS!!" Elton and Corey both squealed out as they ran and hugged them both..

Understanding.. it's not just a phase mom..

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