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Sam had been contemplating his next move for about five minutes now and Colby was bored shitless.

"Hurry up Sam." He flopped back onto the ground as Sam flipped him off but continued to think.

"It's just chess."

"Let's make it more interesting then Golbach." Colby sat up extremely fast and smirked. Sam had an uneasy feeling in his stomach as his best friend stared at him like that.

"Okay what's the twist."

"Well if you win, you get to eat the last of my peanut butter ice cream, which your in love with." Colby laughed as he watched Sams smile fade slightly but he chucked along with him.

Not the only thing I'm in love with.

"And if I win, I get to do something to you."

"D-Do something to me?" Sam almost choked on his own saliva as Colby laughed in his face. "Oh my god not like that."

Sam tried to calm down but only ended up choking harder.

"Easy there tiger, you need to do your next move." Colby slapped his arm as Sam rolled his eyes, calmed down a sufficient amount.

Picking up his queen, he made a move and the game continued for at least ten minutes before Colby shouted 'CHECKMATE BITCH'

"No uh uh"

"Yea idiot."

Sam looked down at the board and groaned, his queen was trapped and so was the king.

"Fine, what are you gonna do? Draw a dick on my forehead?" Sam groaned as Colby got up on his knees and smirked at him.


Colby simply got up, threw the chess board off the table, pieces scattered everywhere and tipped the table over.

"That's gonna take me ages to find.." Sam whined as he looked at all the pieces everywhere.

"I don't care."

"Well I-"

Colby leaned over and climbed on top of Sam, attaching their lips. Sam freezing up and staring at the boy above him. Colby pulled away and smiled down at him.

"Are you fucking with me?" Sam whispered out, eyes glued to his lips, Colby shook his head as the corner of Sams lips turned up into a smile.


Connecting their lips again, Sam giggled into the kiss as Colby wrapped his arms around Sams neck,

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