"So long."

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Summary: Sam goes to an acting class every Tuesday and this certain one made him realise how good of an actor those around him have been..

As he got out of the warm car, the chilly breeze made his neck hairs stand up as he closed the door. "Fuck sakes winters annoying."

He grumbled, stomping up the stairs. The bright studio lights reflecting over the empty car park, making Sam look minuscule.

"Sam, come on in." The instructor opened the door, grimacing at the temperature. Sam chuckled slightly as he slid past him, thanking the bright smiling man.

"Okay, guys let's begin." Running up to the front, he grabbed the projector and brought it down. "Emotional and physical acting"

Sam took out his book as he kept talking, it almost felt like white noise some times, Sams mind always wondering to different scenarios, different areas of his mind that he keeps hidden.

"Let's say for instance, you and your best friend, out for lunch at their favourite restaurant. You start to notice their body language isn't quite right, they fidgety and non stop moving, eyes everted and taking rather large gulps of their drink. What do you do? And what is this called?"

"It's called lying, or distracting yourself from someone or something uncomfortable, weird, unsure or love."

"Love?" The class turned their heads to the girl in the back as she spoke, wanting to know more. "Yea! Most people hide their emotions by blanketing themselves with raw, distraction worthy emotions. Whether that be, taking large gulps, not listening, going on their phone or going red in the face. Sure it could also be because they're really not interested in you, but most times it's because they're hiding how they really feel, love is a strong emotion, it can happen anytime, unexpectedly and surprisingly."

As she finished, he walked around the class handing out a sheet of empty paper, Sams fingers shook around the pen as his thoughts raced.

"Task number one, think of a few memories, big or small doesn't matter, write how they make you feel, the emotions your feeling, it could be words, sentences.. anything."

As he placed the page on Sams desk, he stood there for a second as he watched the blondie freak out internally. "Don't think about it too hard there Golbach."


Placing the tip of the pen onto the page, the only memory that floated through his brain was when they were in Kansas, visiting his parents. The smile on Colbys face was brighter than he had ever seen, his moms laughter ringing through his ears, the sensation and overwhelming feelings got to much for Sam then. So when he stepped outside, nobody noticed, except Colby. He had asked if he was okay, Sam had nodded and watched as his best friend rejoined his family and laughed along at a couple jokes.

Writing a couple of sentences, he placed his pen down and almost fell out of his chair as everyone looked at him. "I-I have to go." Without another word, he took off, out of the class.

The instructor had walked over and picked up his paper, muttering the words to himself, he smiled contently and nodded before continuing.

Do you know how in love with you I am?
Do you see how in love with you I am?
Everything you do, it makes my heart stop.


Pushing the car door open, he hesitated as the words he wrote on the page almost came up his throat. Should he really be doing this? At 9:30pm, Colbys probably studying and editing and he doesn't wanna disturb him.

Looking up at the window, his heart sank as the lights were off. Maybe another night.

Putting his foot back on the brake, he closed the door and turned the car back on, hearing it roar to life another thought popped through his head.

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