"I did."

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The one where Colbys timing wasn't right.





The boys were screaming out the lyrics to only angel by Harry Styles because it's an iconic song and they don't give a fuck about toxic masculinity. They had been listening to One Direction and their solo albums all day and to be honest, it never gets boring.

"I'm gonna go get a coffee do you guys want one?" Elton shouts over the music as Colby runs over to turn it down a little bit, which earns a groan from Sam and Corey, Jake keeps dancing.

"Can I have a black coffee please no sugar.." Colby said as he sat down on the couch. The rest of the boys ordered and then he left.

"Okay I gotta go call Tara and finish the stream, so I'll see you guys when the coffee gets here."
He spoke without taking his eyes off the phone and walking away. Corey was the next to leave, saying his toilet called him which just made the boys cringe.

Then there were two left.

Actually one.

Colby left, he said he had to go see Amanda which made Sam wanna throw up and punch himself in the stomach several times.

Amanda, the girl who had his heart in an iron fist, whenever he went out with her he always returned home and acted cold and distant to Sam, it got so normal that Sam just ignored him for a good two to three days. So technically, they haven't actually communicated in almost four months, just seen each other around the house, said hi and joined in the others conversations.

"Don't go."

Sam what the hell.


Sams throat closed in on itself as he shook his head and stood up, turning off the tv.

"Nothing, sorry.. have fun." He meant for that to come out reassuring but it came out strained and forced, which only confused Colby more.

"No why don't you want me to go?"

"I spoke my mind about a different issue, don't worry Colbs, enjoy Amanda." He wiggled his eyebrows at her name, trying to feign playfulness which didn't get him far as Colby rolled his eyes and placed his keys back on the table.

"Is this about what happened the other night? I told you it meant nothing, I was drunk."

The other night? Colby had rocked up drunk, stumbling around the house and shouting for Sam, who had walked down the stairs, annoyed and tired. Colby had simply stumbled over, smiled at him, kissed him square on the lips before snorting and giggling, he whispered 'I love you' to the empty space right before he passed out in Sams arms.

"N-No, that was... anyway, like I said it doesn't matter."

He lied, he always lies about this type of stuff with Colby, he always has to hide his feelings because it's his best friend, I'd he were to tell him, they would potentially stop being friends.. he couldn't handle that.

"Okay then, as long as your sure.." picking up his keys once more, he waved simply at him as Sam watched his retreating back leave. Sam sat back down on the couch as he heard the front door close.

"You fucking idiot, why didn't you just tell him you're in love with him."

"AH HA I KNEW IT!" Colby shouted as he jumped back into sight, Sam jumped almost a foot in the air as he stood back up straight.


"Wait- you're in love with me?"


"Doesn't matter Colby.." he chuckled coldly out as he waved his arms around exhausted, letting out a deep breathe.

"No it does matter, so tell me."

"Fine, I did love you. With my whole fucking heart, I was in fucking love with you and then you started seeing Amanda, that perfect brunette, with hazel eyes and too many freckles. She took you away from me, for four months I lost my best friend and the only time we ever interacted was with the group, never by ourselves. That sucked man, I tried to reach out to you but I guess she was more important in the end."

Sam stood face to face with him as the front door opened and a struggling Elton carried in two coffee trays, how we opened the door? No idea.

"Oh shit let me help Elton." Rushing over, he took a tray and closed the door.

"Thanks Sam.."

Elton could sense something off in the room but chose to ignore it, taking his and Coreys coffee upstairs and leaving them to whatever they were doing. But when he reached the top of the stairs, the boys were sitting on them, eavesdropping on the conversation, Elton didn't say anything, just sat down and joined in.

"Can we continue the conversation please?"

"Why Colby?"

"Maybe.. you'll fall in love with me all over again if we keep talking.." timid, that's the only word I would use to describe Colbys emotions right now, they were timid, scared to show themselves and most of all guarded.

"What if I never get over you? What if I continue to wake up every day of my fucking life and want you so badly that my bones shake so much that they feel like they're going to break? What if I keep waiting for a call or a text or a sign from anywhere that never comes? What if you were the one for me, but i wasn't for you?"

Fading, that word would be used to describe Sams emotions right now, they were fading, transparently into the background, he was slowly turning away from Colby, the man he portrayed as the love of his life, the one who didn't love him back.

"I'm so sorry.."

"Not your fault, it's mine... have a good night Colby."

That was the last time any of the boys heard from Sam, for at least two years before they found him on the subway with a godlike looking man, smiling and laughing at something he was saying.. a big, shiny ring on his finger.

Then later that night, Colby had walked into Eltons room, not even spoken just stood there and broke down.

"I think I did love him.." he whispered under the falling tears.

"It's been years and I think of him every day. Sometimes I'm enraged at myself for what I did to him and sometimes I'm thankful that he said that to me that night.. I'm thankful to have known him.." he looked out Eltons window as the wind and rain picked up around them.

"It was the best thing I ever felt. I think that was love."

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