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I think they exist.
Just not always romantically.
I think there are certain people you will meet in your life who you just connect with more than anyone else and you just know it isn't a typical thing and you understand each other perfectly.
And this person won't always be your "significant other"
I mean it could be your friend or sibling or parent or teacher or the person your dating or whoever it could just be anyone you've ever interacted with.

That was he thought, his brainwaves? No, his facts.

Elton and Shea both smacked him up the head several times for his little rant, claiming it was both unethical and stupid. Shea believed 110% in soulmates, the romantic type and Elton just didn't want Colby being alone.

He had thought about his rant as he was staring at the back of Sams head in class, he thought about several different times where he truly believed they were soulmates. He didn't know whether they were romantically attached or just emotionally, but he knew they were something.

"Colby, can you answer for me?" The teachers annoying voice made him snap out of his trance as he shrugged, Sam turned around and flashed him the biggest smile he's ever seen on the boys face. The simple thought of being the person who made that happen, made his heart go nuts.

"Listen up then."

Rolling his eyes, he sunk further into his desk and tried to escape reality for a moment, desperately searching for a reasoning.
There was a small note that Sam had written him when he was struggling with insomnia, he held onto the note for ages and he still does, he knows the note like the back of his hand.

Hey colbs,
Just listen to me okay..
When it's 3am and you can't sleep, open your window or step outside your house. Feel the crisp, cold air on your skin. Take a deep breath and watch as you create clouds when you breathe out. Look at the dark blue sky that sits above your head and marvel at how beautiful it is. Try to find the moon and the stars that guard the night sky. Whisper all your uncertainties out into the universe, it's okay if you let the stars carry the weight of your worries for a while.
When it's 3am and you can't sleep, make a cup of tea, grab a pen and paper and write all the things you wish you could say in the form of a letter and address them to the people you wish you had the courage to tell. When your done, seal them in an envelope and keep them in the drawer of your bedside table.
Maybe one day you'll show the words you wrote but for now? Its out in the world and that's all that matters. When you start to shiver, step back inside. When your hand starts to cramp, stop writing.
When you crawl back into bed and try to go to sleep I hope you feel a bit lighter
- Sam.

That note was the one thing he never lost, never strayed away from and never turned against. It held a certain loyalty to it, a certain courage and tenacity.

We're soulmates platonic? He truly couldn't answer that question, you'd have to ask him later on, when he knew the answer.

As he would come home every afternoon and lock himself in his room, he would open his beside table drawer and take out the notebook. Gently open it and revel in the fact that it was almost full, almost completely and utterly full, he loved the fact that only Sam could've helped him do this.

What would Beyoncé do?

He once wrote, he knew Sam would laugh at that.

What exactly makes you.. you?

A difficult question, nobody really knows the answer. It's all a general 'I can read' or 'my glasses are one size too small' but there's never really a set in stone, one for all, answer.

Do you believe in soulmates?

He couldn't even answer this question, his brain doesn't form anything when asked this. He never really liked the word, never really liked the concept attached to it.

"Do you believe in soulmates.."

He recounted the question several times as he sat there, picking at the tiniest corners of his brain, looking for an answer he didn't have or didn't hold.

"It's more who is your soulmate then what are soulmates."

His sisters simple sentences seemed to guide him lately, she somehow was a genius on most topics that involved anything related to anything.
So he picked up his pen and found a new page to write;

There is something to be said about two people who find each other time and time again. No matter what situation they end up in or how far apart they become - they come back to each other. Those are the people who have a little thing called fate on their side.
Those are the people I envy.
It's almost as if the world is saying,
'Stop separating, you are meant to be together'

That was corny, he must admit but if felt good to write it, despite now knowing how he felt about the actual statement.

He loved this book, Sam had given it to him with the note and told him to use it like he would a sketch book, so he did. He filled it with all his thoughts, his ideas, the little notions that flitter through his subconscious in the middle of the night.

When he first got it, he flicked through it, loving how it felt, but he landed on the back page and there was an inscription.

Soulmates always end up together. No matter how much love gets lost, no matter how much distance there is. You lose each other to find each other again. That's what it is like when someone is meant for you... if they leave, they will return and stay forever.

Colby never fully realised the meaning behind this until a couple months ago, he never fully grasped the ideas behind it.

Maybe soulmates were more than platonic? Or maybe they were just different.

It was in his bag on the way to school, he would stop by before and drop it off in the mail box and then walk to school, what he didn't expect though was to see Sam standing by the mailbox too.



It was awkward, despite being friends for so long and knowing each other's deepest darkest secrets, this was awkward.

"Any mail?"

"Uh no.. I kinda had a feeling there was something for me but I guess not." Sam chuckled as he leant against the old wood. "What are you doing here?"

"I actually came to give you something."

"So my feeling was right." Sam beamed as he smiled at Colby who sheepishly nodded and reached into his bag.

"You told me to write whenever I couldn't sleep, I did and then I could sleep again somehow whenever I wrote in this. So I want you to have it, it's full of questions, notes, jokes, diagrams, pictures, all of it. I want you to have it."

Handing the book over, Sam took it with a heavy grip and slid his hands down the back of it, smiling at it gently.

Colby knew in that moment that soulmates were real, not because of the situation but because of the pure happiness and support he felt washing off of Sam when he handed him the book.
He knew they were platonic soulmates, but it felt right, they were too good to be by themselves, together is better than apart.

"Thank you Colby, seriously."

"Your more than welcome."

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