"Like we use to do."

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Summary: they went to a bar and got drunk, someone ended up blurting how they felt and two hearts were broken in three hours.

"Come on it'll be fun!" Sam pulled Colbys hand as they entered the bar, loud music making the floor vibrate as the band made the crowd go wild, couples dancing on the floor. Drinks spilt everywhere, people talking, laughing, yelling, screaming.

"I hate this."

"Lighten up."

Sitting down at the bar, Sam tapped the counter excitedly as he bit his lip, something Colby wished he could do.

"What should we get?"


"Sorry what?" Pulling his eyes away from Sams lips, he pretended to clear his throat and look at the massive array of drinks on the platform in front of them.

"What can I get you boys?" A pink haired lady asked with a crooked smile.

"I'll have a straight whiskey." Sam eagerly beamed as Colby gulped at the noise.

"I'll have vodka, just the whole bottle, in front of me.. please."

The lady gave him a strange look before smiling awkwardly and walking away, coming back a moment later with Sams drink and Colbys booze bottle.

"Your gonna drink all that?" Colby nodded as he flicked the cap off and sculled a bit, throat burning at the sensation, in a good way.

"So how's Katrina going anyway?" Colby asked, clearly uninterested but just wanting to hear his voice again.

"She's good, music is getting really good and she's been dying her hair a lot, like a lot. One minutes it's pink and the next is purple or green, kinda freaks me out when I get home and there's a green haired girl on the couch." He chuckled, taking a sip.

I'd be his if he asked..

Colby nodded, mind elsewhere as his eyes lingered on the cap of the bottle, laying two feet away on the ground behind the bar.

"How about you? Any luck in the dating field?" Sam nudged him and god Colby hated how caring he was sometimes.

"Nah, still holding out for that one person." He answered simply, gazing at Sam shortly before looking out into the crowded dance floor and watching several people giggle and laugh as they danced.

"It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's harder to give when you know it's everything you want."

Colby lifted the bottle and downed half of it, pulling back and panting slightly at the taste and feeling in his head as he did. His gaze drifted once more back over to Sam who was watching his with concerned eyes and a worried smile, colby knew why, his best friend was lonely, drinking and wanting something he couldn't have.

The thing he couldn't have though was Sam, and that hurt more than the taste of the alcohol going down his throat.

"What!" Sam almost yelled bewildered, palms flat on the counter as Colby swung his head around to face the blonde or blue haired boy in front of him, he really couldn't tell now, the alcohol was really hitting him.

"What?" Colby downed another quarter as he shimmed a bit on his seat, the feeling in his stomach not settling down.

"You just said you want me."

"Pfft no I didn't."

"Yes, you did." Colby froze as his body swayed slightly on the seat, maybe he did say that out loud, he meant it but he didn't want Sam to find out that way.

"I'm just tipsy Sammy." He chuckled as his smile turned lopsided with the contorted vision.


"I want nothing but the best for you, I really do, it's just sometimes I wish that the best for you was me." Colby pointed to himself sadly as he tried to look at Sams face, which was in a state of not moving and mind gears turning.

"Are yo-"

"It's pathetic really, how much I wish it was you and me together not you and Katrina."

"Colby, look.. we're best friends and I love you man bu-"

"Don't give me that friend bullshit. I don't care for it, i I've you more than anything else, that friend shit is just gonna go in one ear and out the other." He joked as he imitated it flying through his head.

"Well that's what's happening Colby whether you like it or not, me and Katrina are together and I'm not gay."

"Don't you think I get that? Seeing you date women my whole life while sit in the sidelines and burn for you without even an inch of your focus. I know your straight, I know you have a girlfriend. Don't tell me shit I already know because Sam no matter what you do I'm still gonna fucking be in love with you, despite everything, despite anything." Colby had growled out as he glared at Sam who had recoiled.


"What if I never forget you? What if, all my life, when I meet someone new, I can never fall for them because they aren't you!" Colby was standing in front of Sam now, chest pounding as he started to wobble. Sams face was a dark red as his eyes flickered down Colbys face.

"Don't you get it? I can say goodbye to everyone else but you."

Sam watched as Colby got closer, his face mere inches from his, Colby was out of it and Sam knew it. But whenever Colby was drunk, he was always truthful, so this made Sam hurt,
Big time.

"I wish I knew this back then, wouldn't be with her." He whispered out hoarsely as his gaze flickered down to Colbys lips.

"I'm letting you go tonight, yea I'm falling from cloud 9."


"Quoting katy Perry."

Sam laughed as Colby frowned and grabbed the bottle.

"How do you get over someone who was never yours Sam? Who do you get to blame when you've just crushed your own heart, imagining yourself with them for so long and then watching them fall in love with someone that's not you?"

Colby had started to grow misty eyed as he tried to grab the vodka bottle, instead it fell down the back of the bar and smashed.

"I look at you, and I love you, and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you. The problem is though.." he leaned in as he stared into Sams bright blue eyes. ".. if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."

"Colby we can't, one because I have a girlfriend, two because your fucking pissed and three im straight."

"Yea but still, worth a shot. Your always worth a leap of faith." Colby grinned as he pulled himself back onto the stool and leaned his head on the counter, heart aching and mind sore. "I still wish I was your person, like you are mine."

Then without another second, Colby passed out and Sam was left to eat his thoughts away for the next hour before their ride came, then when they got home. He had pushed Colby onto his bed, taken off his boots, pulled him under the covers and looked at him for a moment longer than a friend would, something longing in him, his heart a little sore and mind a little numb.

"Sam are you coming?"

"Huh? Yea comin"

Taking one last look he closed the door and walked back to his room, laid down and felt hands wrap around his waist, a pair of lips on his cheek and a soft sigh, closed his eyes and felt his heart thump a different way in his chest that night.

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