"The fake date"

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"I need your help." Sam burst into Colbys room as he was changing, unfazed, he stood there and waited till he put his shirt on.

"With what privacy invader?" Colby joked as Sam sat down on his bed and looked up at him with a worried expression etched onto his gorgeous skin.

"I kinda told my mum I would bring a date to her wedding and when she asked who, the first person I thought of was.. well you." Sam gestured to Colby who's jaw dropped open.


"Yea I know and I'm sorry but do you wanna go? like as my fake date because I kinda told her we were dating as well."


"I KNOW! I know, I just panicked." Running his fingers through his dirty blonde locks, he heard a sigh before the end dipped beside him.



"Yea really, how hard could it be."

"OH FUCK THIS." Colby shouted over the music as Sams mum was dancing to the cha cha. Sam laughed and grabbed his hands, leading him to the dance floor and watching his confused face watch his own.

"Just let your body lose Colby."

"Easy for you to say Mr flexible. I really misjudged this situation, this is so hard."

"Oh cheer up and dance with me."

Colby tried to fight the smile that made its way through his lips, staring down at Sam who was smiling brightly up at him and dancing with such concentration that he-

"What you thinking about?"

"Hmm? Nothing." Gripping onto Sams waist, he pulled him closer and heard Sam gasp slightly before relaxing into his arms, now looking towards his mum.

"I'm sorry I made you do this, I know you hate dancing and going to formal things. I could've told my mum anybody else and I told her you, sorry. If you want I saw a cute blonde checking you out by the exit, I'll cover for you if you want."

Sam looked to the side as Colby smiled down at him.

"Nah, I already got a blonde I like."

Sams eyes caught his and it was like the world slowed down, their eyes told a story nobody else outside of the two of them would ever know. Their hearts connected that night, not as one but as two.

"Haha I mean it, I saw her go out that door."

"I don't care."

"Well I made you come to something you didn't like and then forced you to dance so the least I could do Colby I-"

Leaning down he cut Sam off by placing a quick peck on his lips, a faint blush surfaced on Sams cheeks as he smiled to himself and looked over at his mom who was clapping.

"Your mum was watching."

Oh.. he did it because she was watching

"I-I'm gonna go get some fresh air, I'll be back."

Just as he started to leave open your eyes by Snow Patrol started playing, Colby walked back to his table as the song played.

"Tell me that you'll open your eyes.."

OH SHIT! Sam thought he only kissed him because his mum was watching. Standing up, he rushed through the wedding, searching for the dirty blonde who loves to fight back, the dirty blonde who's always been by his side, the dirty blonde who doesn't give a shit about anybody else's opinion, the dirty blonde he was in love with...

"SAM!" He shouted as he found him by his car.

"Look Colby I know you regret coming here tonight and I'm sorry I forced you too, you can leave if you want I'll get a lift home with my m-"

Colby almost barrelled into him as he grabbed the sides of his face and brought them together in a breath taking kiss, one that had Sams toes curling and his hands tangled in Colbys hair.

"Tell me that you'll open your eyes." The final chorus played as they broke apart laughing.

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