Looking for you pt 2

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Pt 1 above this one, read that first, may be long but the story line will make more sense if you read that one first.

Sam had slept in his car that night, he didn't want to go back to the dorm, he refused to, of course he still had to go to school there but he just needed space. Space from what, he wasn't sure.

The principal had woken him up with a sharp tap to his window, given him a disapproving look and walked off, Sam groaned and stretched.

"What is his deal."

Sighing, he looked over the empty campus from his car, it looked so peaceful, no drama, no yelling, screaming, partying, just peaceful.

Go back to him.

Pushing the thought away, he grabbed his wallet and keys and walked towards the new cafe, it smelt of cinnamon and a freshly made latte.

"Hey what can I get ya?" A small perky girl asked, smile wide and eyes wide, kinda scary.

"Just a cinnamon bun and a small cappuccino." She nodded and entered it into the register. Sam looked around the empty cafe, his eyes scanned the brightly coloured booths and flowers atop them, perfect place for a date.

"$5.40 please." She said quietly as another customer came in, he handed her the money and stuffed the change into his pocket, he doesn't know why he does that, it's just habit.

As he continued to look around the cafe, a commotion outside made him look in the direction. Colby and Alice stood mere five feet away, yelling at each other.


Walking towards the other side of the cafe, he tried to blend in with the menus and put one in front of his face, hearing the doorbell ring and the counter chick welcome them, he reached out and sat down at a table hidden behind the counter.

"Sam!" The barista yelled his name, he dropped his head and groaned, menu falling limp on the table. "Sam?"

"Sorry yea."

He grabbed his things, embarrassed and avoided eye contact, even though he could feel both their gazes on his back. Almost running to the dorm room, he knew Colby was in the cafe now, so he ran as fast as he could now he was in the hallways, slamming the dorm room open and falling against it.


"Yea shit, you tend to forget I'm a track runner." Colbys voice made him scream, spilling his coffee slightly, he was sure his cinnamon bun was squished now.

"What the fuck."

"Can we talk?"


Settling his breathing down, he stood straighter and sat down at the kitchen counter, opening his bag and pulling the cinnamon bun out.

Score! It wasn't squished.

Ripping a piece, he took a bite and almost moaned at the taste, mouth watering and taste buds going berserk.


"Cafes good, how'd your trip with Alice go the first time?" Sam knew what he was saying, he just wanted Colby to know he wasn't giving in easily, he wouldn't.

"Good we both have pumpkin pie and danced with the scarecrows."

"It's a cafe not Johnny the ripper." Sam snorted as he took a sip of the coffee, Colby sighed deeply and stood in front of Sam, Sam looked up at him.

"Can't you just forgive me."

"No, what kind of dumb fucking question was that." Sam wanted that to come out harsher, his mouth was always against him. "Your not that intelligent Colby."

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