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Summary: Colby was a famous singer and was on one of his worldwide tours, it just so happened that Sam, his ex boyfriend and ex best friend came along with his friend, Amy.

"Let's go!" Amy squealed as she jumped out of the car, slamming it closed and running around to his side. He opened it slowly and groaned as the massive stadium before them, sparkled with the extreme heat of LA summer.

"So what's the guy again?" He stretched as his limbs cracked, she rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm, he gave in with an exhausted sigh. "Just, come on. It's starting soon."

As they reached the front of the line, they flashed their tickets at the man, he smiled politely and stepped aside. She giggled and ran ahead as the bass made the ground shake around them, the lack of lights made Sam stumble into several isles as they passed crowded lines.

"Come on Sam!" She yelled over the noise, several people looked they're way, making him almost run over, desperate to get out of the spotlight. "You know I don't like people looking at me.. not after that."

"I know, but it's been done, he's a douche, we're here, in LA, at the biggest stadium, live concert. Live a little." She shouted as he loosened up. "Let's go then."

As they reached the front of the stadium, the isles died down as they took their solid seats, they wouldn't be sitting though, not with their view.


She jumped up and screamed as the man came out onto the stage, outfit glimmering, rings shining amongst the red lights, microphone sleek and a dark red.

"Oh, how do we know when to stop~" as he stalked across the stage, the lights picked up again and when they did Sams heart dropped. "No."

Colby, it was Colby.

"A-Amy." She had the same look on her face, except it had a hint of excitement lingering. "You knew didn't you?" She nodded guilty as he sighed and rubbed his eyes, as he stood their they realised that the singing had stopped.

Looking back at the stage, Colbys microphone was dangling at his side, eyes drawn back and mouth open in shock. Sams eyes shot to everyone else around him, they weren't staring at him, they were staring at the starstruck man.

"Amy I've gotta go." His eye contact held with Colbys as he kept backing up, almost in a flash, a loud piercing echo shuddered around the stadium as Colby ran off the stage. The whole stadium crowd going up in confusion and shouting, worried shouting.

"Amy let's go. Now." Snapping, she nodded and grabbed her things, as they walked through the isles, a distant yelling over a speaker was heard. The crowd silencing as they walked.

"He cried over you for days Colby, months even!"

"I know Evelyn!"

Evelyn? My sister Evelyn?

"Then why didn't you reach out to him? Why didn't you give him the closure he deserved, you deserved?!"

"Because I'm hurting too!" He shouted as the speaker caught it, Sam stopped walking as Amy bashed into him. "What the fuck dude."

"He's talking about me!"

"Because I'm afraid that if I see him crying in front of me, I'll apologise and beg for him back! But I can't do that! I can't hurt him anymore than I have."

"But you just saw him Colby! He's in the crowd and your fucking here, talking to me, his fucking sister, the wrong sibling."

"But what if I never get over him after this! What if I continue to wake up every day of my fucking life and want him so badly that my bones shake so much that I feel they're going to break! What if I keep waiting for a call or a sign from god that never comes. What if he was the one but I wasn't."

"Get out there now Colby, your mic is on you dumb fuck."

Sams eyes watered as he ran up to the backstage area, the guards confused as to what was going on didn't see him slip past, running up the steps he called out for Colby, tossing his head around as he searched.

Stopping at the edge of the stage, Colby was stuck in the middle, locked on Sam.

"I-I love you. I never stopped."

A sudden burst of confidence made him walk out onto it, the smile forming on Colbys face made his heart melt in the instance. Running the rest of the way, Colby reached out and pulled him in for a bone crushing hug, feeling how Sams heart raced against his chest, the light chuckling coming from both of them.

"I love you.. I couldn't stop myself from loving you."

Sam sighed out happily as he gripped him tighter, they both forgot they were atop a stage before loud screams and cheering from all around them made them freeze up.
Pulling away from each other, they smiled embarrassed towards the thousands of fans.


"Y-you have a show fuck. Okay I'll be back stage, continue..." he muttered as Colby grinned and grabbed his microphone.

"I'll begin in a second guys, but first."

Colby leaned over and kissed Sam softly and quickly loving how their lips felt against each other after so long.

"I just had to kiss my man."

Sams face went red as he shoved him playfully and ran off the stage, not missing Amy's screaming and jumping as the guards held her off, Sams hand flew to his mouth and he laughed hard as he made his way down to her.

"She can come up."

They moved aside and she jumped into his arms, giggling and laughing as he chuckled alongside her. "I'm so happy."




She pointed to herself and made the cockiest face he's ever made, slinging an arm around her shoulder, they walked backstage.

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