"Missing him."

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Three years after the trap Boys had split up and gone there seperate ways.

It was lonely, yes, only the first few weeks, the big house, the quiet nights and the countless movie nights by himself. But then Brennan had comforted him one night and it had kinda sparked something, fast forward three years and here they were, together, living, loving, all the boxes.

Sam was living in an apartment five minutes down the road, Colby would always drive past it on his way to work but never think about him or look at the building.

Because despite how in love with Brennan he was, he still got that piercing pain in his chest of missing Sam.

"Hey Colby, do you wanna order tonight?"

Brennan spoke from the living room, eyes trained on the phone and tv playing loudly in the background.

"I was thinking of cooking.."


"What's the oh meant to mean?" Spinning in his chair, he faced an embarrassed Brennan as he put his phone down.

"Your cooking sucks ass."


"Yea I mean it's really shit.."

"Coming from the guy who thinks he can cook, you almost burnt the house down last week trying to make toast."

One thing led to another after that little spat and Brennan was angrily loading his shit into the car and speeding out of the driveway. Colby wanted to feel upset, desperate to call him and ask him to come back, tell him he loved him and wanted him back, but he felt nothing like that.

What he did do though was call Sam, who left him on voicemail which he of course sent. Then he had thrown his phone on the couch, downed a bottle of tequila and passed out. Healthy right?


Groaning as the light hit his burning eyes, he rolled over and fell on the floor.


That one fucking name, running through his mind as he tried to stand up straight. A loud buzzing made his head spin as he grabbed his phone and answered the call.



It was like the hungover Colby completely vanished, that voice sent chills down his spine, he hadn't heard that voice in three years.


"You called me last night.."

"Did I?"


Trying to remember, all he could remember was downing a bottle of tequila at like 11:32pm and everything going dark from there.

"Uh sorry I don't remember."

"It was four am when I got your call. You called me right as I woke up, I sighed, clicked the voicemail and listened, you said 'I broke up' and then you hung up the phone. The only people up that early are either heartbroken or in love and I knew you were heartbroken because your voice goes all distant. I rubbed my eyes and contemplated calling you back but I didn't. But by five am I decided to and I did, you didn't answer... turns out the only reason I decided to answer you was because I don't know.. in some crazy way I'm still in love with a heartbroken boy." Sam spoke with such certainty that Colbys headache wasn't as concerning as it was before.

"You-um- you love me still?"

"Colby the only reason I broke up with you is because we never talked, never communicated, it was purely physical and I don't want that in a relationship.."


"I just wanted to call you and tell you that, have a nice day colby.."

Then he hung up on a spluttering Colby, who had stood up
All too fast and got winded. But he was determined so he had ran through the house, careful not to throw up, getting in his car and driving to Sam.

Not even five minutes later, he had jumped out of his car, ran up three flights of stairs and was now pounding on his door.

"Jesus fuck who the fuck wanna die?" Sams annoyed voice sounded as he opened the door and instantly stopped.

"Colby what are you doing here?"

"I want-" he stopped. Tore his fingers through his hair. "Never mind, what I want."

His voice was quieter this time.

"What do you want?"

"You." Always you. Without hesitation, any day of the week.

"Oh thank god."

Sam surged forward and pulled Colby in for a deep kiss, Colbys heart exploded into a million pieces as he kissed back with as much emotion and desperation, clinging to Sam with all the might he could muster.

Missing him..

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