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Summary: colby is an assassin, Sam never knew. Until one day.

"Honey I love that's all she wrote." Strumming his fingers against the wheel, Sam sang as the traffic steadied and the lights went green. "Oh oh Ophelia, you've been on my mind boy like a drug." He knew the lyrics, he just changed them..

Pulling into the lobby car park, he chose the furthest spot under the shade, as he pulled up, he recognised the familiar sleek black BMW across from him, the number plates shone 'colbs.'

Smiling to himself, he grabbed his things and locked the car, running up the stairs, he looked around and realised how empty the car park actually was, only four cars. Opening the big double doors, nobody was at the reception, strange.

"Hello? James?" Knocking on the table, nobody responded, like that would help Sam. "What the hell?" Jumping past the empty barriers, he slid into a closing elevator with a secretary inside, busy typing on her computer. "Hey Eleanor, where is everyone?"

"Boss gave everyone a day off, I came in to finish typing and then leave, which I'm about to do." She closed her laptop and left the elevator, pressing the sixth floor, he waited as the music made it more awkward. He always thought elevator music was annoying, you could be standing with seven people in this small space and not talk and then the music just makes it even worse, your all giving each other side eye and coughing awkwardly.

The big metal doors swung open as Sams phone dropped to the floor, the mess outside the door was worse than anything he's ever seen. There were papers all over the floor, a ceiling roof hanging down, electricity wires sparking to the left of the elevator. Several windows were broken and the big company sign was smashed and crushed on the floor beneath front desk.

"What the-" stepping out over broken glass, he gazes over everything. "Colby?" He shouts into the silence, his heartbeat racing for some reason. "Hello?"

A scuffle in the room to the right makes his skin stand on end, clutching his briefcase further towards his chest, he tiptoes slowly over to the room. All he can see is a really tall older man, throwing things around, muttering and kicking things, making Sam wince. "Hey! You can't be in here, what do you think your doing?"

The male turned around and Sam regretted every life choice he's ever made, this guy had a scar running down his face from his forehead to his chin, a toothless smile and a big machine gun looking thing in his left hand. "Never mind, have fun."

Turning to run, several rounds shot out as he ducked and sprinted behind the nearest cupboard, a hand reached out and slammed over his mouth as he screamed against it.

"Shh! Shh! It's me." Frantically turning, he sighed when he realised it was Colby, a really sweaty looking Colby. "What the fuck is going on?"

"I'll explain later just be quiet!" He pushed Sam against the corner of the cupboard and peered out over the wooden desk, Sam only just then realised he himself had a big gun looking thing. As he opened his mouth to say something, a gunshot rang through the air as Sams hands flew above his head and he crouched down even further, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking slightly. He didn't look as more rounds were fired and grunting was heard, only when he heard Colbys voice again.

"It's fine, he's dead "

"What do you mean he's dead?"

"I mean I killed him, with a gun. He's dead. Dead means when you are no longer al-"

"Yes I know what that means!" Getting up from his position in the corner, he dusted himself off and looked around befuddled. "But what.." gesturing to the scene around them "happened.."

Sam didn't notice, as he looked around the office space, that Colby was struggling to stand up, clutching his side and wiping away any trace of whatever was on his hand.

"So are you like a killer or something?"

"No, I'm an assassin, that guy was out to kill me and I stopped it, fair and square." Colby spoke so quickly and out of breathe that he doubled over on the table, trying to clear his head. "Your an assassin?" Nodding frantically, he exhaled deeply as he tried to keep his eye sight on Sam.

"There are dead people in this building?"


"From you?"


Sam nodded, opened mouth and tried to form words as his brain disconnected, like the wifi when it storms.

"It's kinda like the movie killer, pretty funny and overall a good movie."

Colby walked towards Sam, tripping on a piece of wood and falling, Sams arms caught him just in time as he plonked him back on his feet. "Are you okay?" His arm casually ran down to his hip, where a loud squelch was heard, pulling his hand away, it was covered in dark red liquid.


"Yea I've been shot, or like Olaf would say, I've been impaled.."

"I'm gonna call an ambulance." Sam reached around to his back pocket and felt nothing, growing worried, he remembered it dropping in the elevator. Turning around, another big guy stood between him and the elevator.

"Sam get down!" Colby yelled as he opened fire, Sam ducked just in time as several bullets whooshed past and smacked into the dudes chest. "I'll always protect you Sam, please just remember that."

Sams confused face was hidden as he watched the man snarl and throw a desk, Colby getting carried with it, as he was down, the man stalked forward. Sam took this opportunity and charged at him, jumping on his back and wrapping his arms around his throat, choking him out. The man thrashed and turned as his face turned a deep purple colour before his knees gave out and he collapsed, face down.

Sam scrambled off of him, falling to the floor beside Colby who was unconscious, gripping the table, he cried out as he moved it, something moved behind him but he ignored it as he tried to get Colby to wake up, slapping his cheeks a couple times, his eyes stirred and then he coughed loudly and violently as he shook his head, all the pain flooding back as he winced.


A loud ringing shot through Sams mind as he felt a searing pain in his chest, Colbys eyes widened as he grabbed the falling boy, pulling out his gun, his shot the guy twice in his head and threw the gun to the floor.

"No, come on Sam!"

Shaking his shoulders, his fingers shook as his pain and the pain he could feel coming from Sam made him sob, a large bullet hole was cut through the centre of Sams chest, his eyes shot to Sams face as he gripped it tightly.

"Sam please!" He was the one to cry out this time. "Breathe goddamnit breathe!" He sobbed out as the lifeless body laid there beneath him, the only sound was his sobs and the elevator door dinging. Several assistants rushed through as screams rang out, Colbys hands moved before his brain registered it and the gun was back in his hands, pointed at the noise.

"Mr Brock?"

Shaking, he dropped the gun and fell to the floor further as he looked at Sam, his best friend, the only person who made him feel something other than hate, the person he could trust, his person.

"I-Is he?"

"Get help." Was all he said as his vision started to blur in and out, the last thing he saw was Sams body getting closer to him as it all went black.

Breathe, only they finished.

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