Takes two

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The feeling of rushing blood, the smell of gasoline and the twitching off the clock made the moment seem even more intense then it was, or how Colby thought it was.

"Jesus Christ, I can't feel my leg." Sam was leant against the wall, fist in mouth and eyes squeezed shut, his leg had been cut open by whoever was outside trying to get in.

"Just calm your tits, we will be fine as long as we stay in this room." Colby whispered as he boarded the door up, finding pieces of wood and a rotten chair, fixing it under the latch and shoving the wood in the small crevices under the door.

"Yea, for someone who's leg isn't cut open your real fucking helpful."

"Well it's not my fault that whoever is out there decided to attack you!"

"You didn't even flinch when I started screaming, you didn't even care. I had to shove whoever it was back, you just stood in this room!"

Trying to move his leg, the pain soared through his calf, rising towards his hamstrings, he had cut off the circulation with his jumper as the cut ran from one side of his leg to the other.

"I didn't want to be attacked too!"

"Oh so when it's me it's fine?"

"Precisely!" He yelled back, whoever was outside started banging on the door again, screaming at the top of their lungs. The simple noise made Sam almost start to hyperventilate, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to block out the pain while fighting with his thoughts.

"Whatever, just get somebody here!"

"I can't!"

Sam groaned as his eyes snapped back open, he could feel his throat closing up at the pain, there was a window but he wasn't sure if he could make it.

"Help me up."


"Help me up."

Colby looked from the door to Sam and wedged the last bit of wood underneath it, rushing to his side, his arm slotted across the back of Sams waist. Pulling him up, Sam winced as his leg gave out.

"Window, go."


"That's how we're getting out."

Colby walked towards the window, pushing it open he tore it off it's brackets, incase it fell down, he didn't want to risk that.

"Now you go first, I'll crawl out and you catch me okay?"

He seemed hesitant, but went with it anyway. Sam held himself up against the wall as he watched Colby climb out, the bashing only got louder at the door, screams almost deafening.

"Hurry, quick!" Colbys quiet voice rang through his conscious, he was losing his vision, the pain mixing with his fear. Reaching for the window, the door swung open, Sams head shot around and the mad person was running towards him.

"Go now! Don't look back! Just go." Grabbing the window, he put it up against the frame as Colby fought against it, his voice pounding in Sams head.


Something knocked Sams head and the last thing he saw before it went dark was Colbys desperate and scared face watching as he dropped, helplessly.


"Help me! PLEASE GOD DAMN IT!" His voice was hoarse and pleading, running through the streets, banging on doors and crying out. Several lights turned on as he stopped in the middle of the street, he couldn't go any further, his emotions had caught up with him.

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