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Summary: Sam got bullied in primary school, when they started college, he saw the same boys again but got what they liked to call redemption.

"Your just a fat, little, turd." One of the boys yelled from above Sam as he laid there on the ground, blood running down his cheek and grazed palms stuck to the concrete.

"Your worthless Sam Golbach!" The other one said as he spat down beside him.

"Hey! Leave him alone you ugly looking twins." Colby ran up next to helpless Sam as they both spluttered and looked ready to cry as they ran off. "Thanks colbs."

"Your welcome, we're best friends it's what we do." Colby reached out and pulled Sam up, they both walked off towards the playground as the teacher checked his hands before reprimanding the two boys for getting into a fight.


"Holy cow, this place is huge!" Colby commented as they drove through the campus gates, two big gargoyles sat perched on each side, glaring down at oncoming students.

"How are we ever going to find our way around this place?"

"We will make it." Colby pulled into a spot as Sam grabbed their luggage and hauled ass into the dorms, Colby taking the key out and running ahead, as Sam hobbled along, his eyes caught sight of two familiar looking faces.

Picking up pace, he almost jogged to their dorm as Colby was amazed at the size. "It's huge!" Sam groaned as he took off the bags and placed them on his bed. "It's for two of us idiot, of course it's big."

"Look at the view!" Colby yelled happily, Sam did have to give it to the campus, the view was quite nice of the courtyard below and skyscrapers above.

"Wanna know who I just saw?"


"The twins" Sam spoke, leant against the window. Colbys head snapped to the side and he glared open mouthed at Sam.



"Their here?" Colby pointed as Sam laughed.


Colby looked back out the window for a hot minute as Sam stood there, occasionally looking back at Colby as he made weird sounds before he grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the courtyard.

"Okay do you see them?" Colby said as his eyebrows twitched excitedly. Sam looked around.

"Yea there." Pointing towards the big oak trees, Colby grabbed his wrist and pulled them towards the towering twins.

"Okay follow my lead!" Colby pulled out his phone and pretended he was on a call to his mom as they stood behind the tree.

"He's dead? What do you mean? I saw Sam the other day." Colby yelled as he walked past the tree, gaining the twins interest, Sam shot out behind him as Colby stopped walking.

"Colby I'm right here!" Sam exclaimed feigning hurt and fear.

"So he's dead! Sam is dead!" Colby cried out as he ended the call, the boys beside him looked kinda scared. "Colby! I'm right here." Sam pulled on his shirt, gently, to make it look realistic.

"Man! He's right there!" One of them shouted as they tapped Colby on the shoulder.

"Who?" Colby turned around confused, Sam took the opportunity to run and hide behind the tree as both twins looked at Colby.

"The dude, Sam." They both pointed to where Sam was standing and almost screamed as it was empty, Colby also ran behind a tree opposite them as they turned around.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" The tall one yelled as he took off running, the shorter one following suit, screaming at the top of their lungs.

Sam popped his head out as Colby did and they both laughed, hard, Colby waved a fist in the air and giggled as the loud bell rang.


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