24. Mom's Seal of Approval

Start from the beginning

My mom's hearing must be at it's peak, because I see her come busting out of the front to meet in her front lawn.

"Hi, Sweetie!" My mom says enthusiastically, holding her arms out for me to hug her as we walk towards each other. She hugs me for a long time and even rubs my back.

"Hi, Mom!" I tell her, as I let her wrap her arms around me in a comforting embrace. After a moment, she lets go and puts one arm around my shoulders and directs me into the house.

"So, that crying fest you had on Monday...everything better since then or do you need to talk it out with me? Do I need to kill anyone?!" My mom asks as we walk, heading to the kitchen, looking at me with a raised brow.

"Oh, gosh mom, no killing is necessary!" I tell my mom as I giggle at her words.

"So, I take it that everything is better now? What was that about anyway, sweetie?" My mom questions me with a concerned look on her face. We are now on either side of her kitchen island. I'm sitting on a stool and she's standing, leaning on top the island countertop.

"Just guy issues, that's all," I say to her, trying not say more.

"Is it that annoying Josh guy? Why did you still deal with him?! Let me fix you up with someone," my mom offers.

"Oh, I don't really talk to Josh anymore and I don't need to be fixed up with anyone, Mom!" I tell her in my usual frustrated tone I use on her every single time she says she wants to fix me up with someone.

"Are you involved with someone, Sarah?!" My mom interrogates me.

"Honestly, Mom? Yes. It's fairly new," I admit to her.

"Is this person the reason why you were crying that night?!" My mom asks, with a protective tone in her voice.

"In a way, yes. But, there's a reason behind all of that. Mom, this person I'm seeing has a complicated career," I start to explain to my mom.

"Is he a drug lord?! Oh, Sarah, please tell me he's not in some dysfunctional gang organization," my mom says, shaking her head at the thought.

"MOM!" I yell, but quickly follow it with a laugh, which she joins me in.

"Okay, so why is his job complicated?" My mom inquires.

"What I'm telling you today is confidential, okay, Mom?" I look at her with a serious expression etched on my face. I continue and bring up my twin step-sisters, "You can't even tell Chauntelle and Stacy, at least not yet."

"Why not, Sarah?" My mom looks at me, confused.

"This guy is kind of well-known and he's actually in a group that the twins are a fan of. You know how they get when it comes to gossiping. Mom, please don't tell them!" I plead with my mom.

"Okay! Okay! But, who is this mysterious man?!" My mom looks like she's losing her patience.

"His name is Jungkook. I met him through Melina. She started dating this really great guy named Yoongi, who happens to work with Jungkook," I begin to explain to my mom.

"What do they do?" She looks at me, on pins and needles.

"They're in a well-known musical group from South Korea...remember how I went there on vacation, Mom?"

"It's that group you, Melina and the twins always go on about...BTS!" My mom says out loud, as if cracking the mystery.

"Yes, mom," I say calmly as I watch her scroll through her phone. I know exactly what she's doing.

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