"She was the most kindest yet sassy woman I had ever known." He said as he moved his gaze away. "I still remember how she used to have father wrapped around her little finger." Again he chuckled as if he remembered some incident from the past.

I smiled widely at this. It was new for me to see that side of Massimo but I wasn't complaining!

"She sounds fun." I said to which he didn't say anything but kept looking in the distance. It was as if his mind went back in the past.

"Massimo." I called out his name and only then he blinked his eyes a few times and then looked at me.

"Huh?" He asked as if he forgot what we were talking about.

"You were telling me about your mother when you all of a sudden-" Before I could complete he interrupted me by saying, "I have things to attend. You should also go back inside." I saw how his eyes were back to their original self. But atleast he smiled at me even though it felt fake. I smiled back at him and nodded my head.

I saw him turning and then he started to walk inside the mansion.

Massimo's P.O.V

I had never talked with anyone about my madre that way ever since......not even Martha & Gaby or my twin brothers. Whenever any of them tried to even mention about her I'd either change the topic or walked away from there since talking about her would only remind me of that day.

So it was shockingly surprising when I not only mentioned about my madre in front of Maya but I also told her how her personality kind of reminded me of my madre. That was the most I had ever talked about her with anyone.

What also surprised me how I didn't even realise when I started telling her about my madre. It just felt normal as if my mind knew that talking with her about my madre would be just like how I normally talked with her about other things.

But when I finally realised how I wouldn't be able to control my emotions if I started remembering about that day, I had to stop our chit-chat and excused myself from there.

I leaned back in my chair as I thought back at the smile she had on her face the entire time I was telling her about my madre.
'If mamma was here she would've definitely liked her.' The thought suddenly came to my mind.

I smiled sadly, 'Mamma would've loved her so much.'


"Massimo! сын please don't make your mamma run after you." I giggled as I saw her, my sweet mamma running after me with a bowl in her hands. She had been trying to feed me for a while but I kept running away because I didn't like eating green vegetables that she used to make.

I was about to run faster when I heard her gasp, when I looked back I saw her now sitting on the floor with a look of discomfort on her face as if she was in pain. I immediately went towards her and saw her hand slightly pressing on her ankle.

"Are you ok mamma?" I asked as I kneeled in front of her. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw her smiling at me and then before I could realise she wrapped her arms around me and then I was sitting on her lap.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now