'Motion timer to relax your fidgeted and stressed out mind. Flip it and enjoy the next 5 minutes watching our liquid timer' the product description, looked rather gross. There was also an envelope with a letter inside it.
I opened it with a lot of questions :
" Dear Achyuth ,
It might look old fashioned and cliche, to put something on letter these days, but facing you without getting butterflies in my stomach is next to impossible.
They say " it is only when we are in trouble, true nature of people is revealed".
In the tough times where I can't even cry for help , there came a person to back me up. Neither it was his duty nor obligation, but didn't back off to extend his hand eventhough he had his own burdens.
May be I judged him too quickly and gave up the delusional perception of him being a snob and stickler with imperious attitude which I had till then.
Don't know when the ' Di' disappeared from the 'Dislike' for him.
It's none other than you who conquered my heart.
Not because you are smart and good looking but you are unique and fascinating to me everyday. And it might take a life time for me to search for the reason why I like you.

I love you every second,
every minute,
every hour,
every day,
till I breath.....

over ga undi anipiste sorry, kani idi nijame ( Sorry if my statements are over the top, but I can't lie )
I may or may not be the part of your life but, Wishing you all the best for the new phase that you are yet to begin and expecting to clear all the upcoming obstacles with an unearsed smile. Have a joyful journey in California.
Waiting for your response before you leave....."
- Anjana Sri lakshmi

Oh god ! This is from her ! I wanted to throw everything in the trashcan straight away, but after a second stopped doing it. Why throw away the timer when I can make use of ? I put the letter back in my bag and the timer went to my desk beside the window.
We started our trip and visited few beaches, casino's, pubs.
" Look at those chicks over there. Two sizzling blonde haired girls. Why not try them ?" suggested my Srilankan friend while we were at pub. The Taiwan guy went on to a date with a girl whom he met yesterday at the casino which made this guy jealous.
" Are you sure ? I don't think it's a good idea !" I said.
" We are already lagging behind Chen ( Taiwan guy ) who found a hot girl for himself. Let's go ! 2 of our shorts might get wasted what else ?I don't want to sleep all alone this night" he put on a sneaky smile.
Although I was'nt very keen, still went to meet them.We received a jolt in the end when those two girls said they were lesbians . Abashed by their words, we silently moved out to have dinner.
" Do you have a girlfriend ?" questioned my friend who was sitting beside me.
"Nope " I replied.
"Did you ever had one?" immediately I heard his next question.
" Long ago when I was in college, I was with this girl for an year and half " I said.
" Why did you break up ?" he asked.
I glared at him as to why is he interrogating so much !?
" Don't get offended man, I'm bored of sitting idle till they bring the food." he said.
"Well , I had a girlfriend not because I actually loved her, but with the intension to have a girlfriend when every body else had. Later we realized that it isn't going anywhere and we broke up mutually and we are very happy about it " I said.
" Haven't you tried another girl after that ?" he asked.
"Nope . What about you ?" It was my turn to question him.
He exhaled slowly and started," I was in this serious relationship with a girl for 4 years and before moving to California I broke up with her"
"Why ?" I asked curiously.
" Our goals, egoes and families, etc,etc. She didn't like the idea of me coming here and I was against her idea of continuing my job back in Srilanka. Both of us were stubborn and none of us were ready to compromise and that's how it ended. " he concluded.
"Are you happy with your decision ?" I asked.
"Sometimes I kind of miss her specially on saturday nights" he smiled.
" especially when you have to sleep alone. Am I right ?" I pulled his leg.
" I cannot deny that. We take them for granted and never care about them as long as they shower enormous amount of love. Once deprived of that love and attention - a little regret ensues" he said hiding his melancholy.
On the last day we opted for some adventure and trekked a valley. By the time we reached the peak of the valley, Chen became giddy due to the hangover from last night and puked. Accidentally I witnessed it and developed nausea.
"What are you doing ?" asked one of the guys when I massaged my wrist.
" It's a technique to bring down the nausea " I said.
" It looks weird. Where did you learn all such things ?" laughed my Sri Lankan friend.
From that girl, from that girl......my mind resonated for few seconds.
"Ahh...one of my friends told and it does work really well, at least for me " I said.
Back from the trip, we became busy with our routine. Classes were not a big deal, but studying for hours and days together like a bookworm is frustrating .
Slowly I lost interest in my course and couldn't concentrate on the research work. The carrier and the life which I fancied is becoming tiresome now. Being alone with nobody to talk made it much more worse.
Unable to sleep, I woke up that night and opened Facebook, Twitter, and whatsapp one after the other but nothing was interesting. Then I saw the timer on the corner and flipped it. For the first time I noticed a few glittering bubbles in the liquid which were glowing brightly under the bed lamp and without my knowledge I kept on looking at it till all the liquid dropped down .
Hmm.... this toy is not as bad as I thought .I flipped it again and this time I started recollecting memories. My job, office, Delhi, mummy, Rajesh , Hp, Akriti, pk and also Anjana.
First time a girl wrote a love letter to you and how can you ignore it ? my mind kept on reminding. I couldn't resist the idea of reading the letter once again which came with this timer and took it out.

In my little world ( Completed ) Where stories live. Discover now