"Il fratello è così fortunato a trovarti." Marcos said as he looked at me with a smile.
(Brother is so lucky to find you.)

I rolled my eyes and gave him a You know I don't understand Italian look to which he chuckled and waved it away.

"We're actually here to inform you something." Marcelo said to which Marcos nodded his head.

"Inform? About what?" I asked.

"We're going back to our respective homes after dinner tonight." As Marcos said that my smile fell a little.

"Oh." Was all I said.

"Even though we're going after dinner but we thought to inform y'all beforehand." Marcelo said.

I smiled at them but from inside I was not happy. I understood that they had their own businesses and work to look after but the small time I had gotten to spent with them made me really close with them.

"When we were on our plane to come here for brother's birthday party we hadn't expected to find you here." Marcelo said. "But it would be a lie if I say that we are not happy to have you here." Both Marcos & Marcelo smiled at me and I smiled back at them.

"I agree with him." Said Marcos. "I've never seen big brother like this before." His words made me look up at him as I tried to understand what he meant. "I've never seen him caring this much for someone other than...." My brows slight furrowed as he whispered the last part. "But he does for you." A blush rose to my cheeks at this. "And there's no denying to that. Everyone can clearly see it." Both Marcos & Marcelo chuckled as they see blush on my face.

"I um it's not like that." I reasoned but they just gave me the look to which I bit my lip nervously and looked away. 'Why am I getting nervous?!'

"Sure Sure!" Said Marcelo with a sly smirk on his face.

"Our brother is dumb when it comes to things like these. But you're smart Maya." I didn't know why they were all a sudden talking about this. "He's a hardshell but we can see that you've the tendency to break it." I was about to say that it was nothing like that but they continued, "He's like a coconut, hard from outside but soft from the inside." Marcos placed his hand over mine as he looked me in the eyes and said, "He also has a heart contrary to what he believes, he just needs someone to show him that he deserves to love & get loved by someone!"

After Marcos & Marcelo left I couldn't stop thinking about what they had said. I didn't know what caused them to believe I had this tendency to break Massimo's hardshell! I mean ok I'd admit that his behaviour had changed since I had first got here but that didn't mean I was someone special or anything.

'Don't tell me that the thought of being someone special to him doesn't make your heart flutter with happiness?' My subconscious mind like always taunted.

A sigh escaped my lips as I laid back on bed. 'Is it possible that all the changes in Massimo is happening because he's actually changing? All those kisses and moments that we shared is because he has started to feel something for me? Or maybe he's falling for me just like how I've fallen for-' My eyes widened at this.  'Oh my....I-I have fallen for him?!' It came out more like a sentence than a question.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now