"Lucian?" A voice called out. A voice that Luke knew well. He turned around to see Maryse Lightwood standing a few feet away from, a sort of sad and shocked expression on her face as she saw him. "What are you doing?" She asked him not really knowing what to say to him.

"Umm just clearing my head, the cabinet meeting is taking a bit of a break." Luke said back not knowing what to say either. He hadn't seen Maryse since she came to the Jade wolf with Isabelle, and had to tell her that Alec and Avalon had been captured by Valentine. They just looked at each other, saying what words couldn't, the feelings that they had each other that still lingered after all of this time. Feelings that couldn't be buried or pushed away. "I should um get back to the meeting." Luke said breaking his gaze and starting to walk away fro Maryse.

"Wait." She called after him her voice sounding desperate. She had to talk with him, they had to talk with each other and they both knew it. Luke stopped and turned back around and saw Maryse walking towards him. Stopping when they were standing a foot apart. "I know that our past is complicated." She started, making Luke chuckle.

"That's putting lightly." He said causing her to smile and laugh. A laugh that Luke had missed dearly. Looking at her with nothing but love in his eyes.

"Lately I have been trying to reconnect with the people I've hurt. And you are one of those people."

"Maryse you-"

"Pleas let me finish." She asked with Luke nodding. "I hurt you the most, we both knew what we were back in Idris, even it was never spoken between us, we knew, and when I except Roberts proposal out of a sense of duty I hurt you more than I ever could of image. I am so sorry that I hurt you and after than I abandoned you-"

"Maryse you didn't abandon me." Luke said grabbing her hands, looking into her eyes once again. "You came to me in the time I needed you the most. You trusted me to look after you children, you made me a father, and than only made me love you more."

"And I you." They smiled and enjoyed this small moment they had together knowing that it wouldn't last long, but knowing that they still loved each other was enough for the time being.


Avalon and Alec waited for Isabelle in her office at the institute. She wanted to talk to them about Valentine's transfer to Idris and with all honesty they couldn't wait for the mad man to be out of New York and to be held accountable for his actions. They both saw Isabelle walk into the office and start talking. Well to Alec more than Avalon as she was lost in her own thoughts. How they were buzzing about in her brain leaving her with many questions and a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

It was Sebastian. Something was just off about him and it was the same feeling that Avalon had with Micheal Wayland which turned out to be Valentine in disguise, using a glamour to fool everyone. She saw that her brother and sister were leaving the room and followed them out to the op's center. Their voices muffled as Avalon was still in her own head not listing to what anyone was saying as her thoughts started to spiral out of control.

Alec started to feel his own head become clouded, looking at Avalon and seeing how deep in thought she was, and feeling it through the bond thy shared. He rested his hand on her shoulder seeming to snap her out of what ever trance she was in. Looking at his twin, seeing and feeling the worry that had filled her. "You ok?" He asked, but Avalon shook her head and looking around, letting Alec know they had to go as soon as possible. Alec quickly walked over to Isabelle who at this every moment was standing with Sebastian and a young Asian woman Shadowhunter, who was smiling, talking to Isabelle and Sebastian, who seemed to be quite nervous. "Izzy I'm sorry but me and Avalon have to go." He said in a rushed tone wanting to get out of the room and to know what was going on with his twin.

"Before you do I want you to meet someone. " Isabelle said smiling and motion for Avalon to come over. She smiled and walked over. standing next to Alec. "This is Aline, she's been my friend for years." Isabelle said motioned to the Asian woman standing next to her. Both Twins smiled as they shook her hand.

"It's every nice to meet you." Avalon said, plastering on a smile

"And you." Aline smiled back. "The mortal guardians standing right in front of me. I hear what you both did with the soul sword and how the protective runes in every institute glowed for a while after you disappeared. Any Idea as to why?"

"Not a clue." Avalon said, trying to sound confused, but she and Alec did why the runes glowed. But they never told anyone the reason. "I'm sorry but me and my brother have to go. It was lovely meeting you." And with that said Alec and Avalon walked out the door as quickly as they could.

"Ava, what was that back there?" Alec asked as soon as him and Avalon were out of the institute walls. Avalon just turned to him with a serious look on her face.

"We need to talk with Ryan and Magnus at the Sanctuary."

"And Luke?"


"Why not?"

"I have a theory about something, and I really hope I am wrong. But if I'm not it will only make Luke worry even more than already is. Alec you know him. He put on a brave face when we both know he is always worrying about us." Avalon looked at her twin who understood. Knowing why she didn't want to make Luke worry more that he should.

"Ok. Just explain it to all of us."

"Well duh." Avalon quickly made portal to the Sanctuary, with Alec calling Magnus, hoping with every fiber of her being that her theory was wrong.


What do you think Avalon's theory is? Sorry if the last part is bad, trying to get it all done in time. Please forgive me. Until next time.

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