Chapter 33: Collaboration

Comenzar desde el principio

"Doughnuts aren't really my favourite, you know?" I said as I looked at Christine beside me. She quickly noticed my eyes and flushed a little.

Zoey might like chocolate dip doughnuts, but Christine "loves" doughnuts. During our school days, she sometimes wouldn't take the school bus home just so she could buy doughnuts at the nearest store.

"I get what you mean," said Yong-nam.

We soon stopped by one of the doors down the hall and Yong-nam knocked with his free hand. For a second, no one answered.

"Is anyone in there?" Daniel asked.

"They should be," said Yong-nam as he knocked on the door again.

It took a few seconds till the door finally opened. Daehyun was the one behind it and his eyes weren't fixed on us as he seemed to be engaged in some conversation currently taking place in the room. But soon afterwards, his eyes focused on us that he did the unthinkable.

He screamed.

The door shut quickly in our faces. Well, that's weird. Everyone of us in the hall, looked at each other with puzzled looks. Did Daehyun just do that? I could understand if he were a girl, but a guy....? I'm finding it a little hard to believe.

"What just happened?" Zoey asked as she looked wide-eyed at the door.

"Daehyun, what's wrong with you?" came a voice inside. "Who's by the door?"

"Sorry, sorry, you won't believe who's here," said Daehyun, sounding shocked beyond belief.

The door opened again and this time, it was Zelo. He gasped and I thought he might shut the door in front of us like Daehyun, but he didn't.

"OMG, it's you!" Zelo said with so much excitement. "Now I see why Daehyun screamed like a girl."

"Hey, I didn't scream like a girl," said Daehyun as he came to stand right next to him.

"What's going on here?" came Yong-guk's voice and we heard footsteps approaching the door.

"Hey, Yong-guk," greeted Zoey when he finally came into view.

"Zoey?" Yong-guk couldn't believe that we were all there standing by the door. "The whole lot of the Toxins are here."

"Including me," said Lee, as she gave an embarrassing smile.

"This is Lee," said Zoey. "She's our manager's assistant, but she's more like our friend."

"Where are your manners?" came Himchan as he joined the others. "Let them in."

"Oh, ya, sorry, about that," said Daehyun as he, Yong-guk and Himchan moved away from the door. Zelo drew the door wide open.

"Welcome to their humble abode," said Yong-nam as he stepped inside the room first.

"Hey! Are you making fun of us?" Zelo asked.

"Am I?" Yong-nam gave Zelo a smirk.

As we entered the room, I noticed that the place looked busy. There was the recording room on the other side of the room and the sitting area looked a little messy with papers all around and Young-jae was picking up some of the mess.

"I hope we didn't come at a bad time," I said.

"Nonsense, you guys couldn't have come at a better time," said Young-jae as he threw away the crumpled papers in the waste bin located at the corner.

"I guess you're right," said Zoey as she went over to the cream coloured comfy couches and making herself comfortable.

"I'm glad you're all here," said Yong-guk. "We didn't get to meet Daniel and Mike last time."

A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora