36. *Idiots As Friends*

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"D-Dino I can't b-breath." I said breathing heavily. I saw him looking down at me with a little concern in his eyes. I sighed inwardly as he pushed his body away a little from me and his grip on my hands got a bit loosened.

"You alright?" He asked and looked down at me as if he really cared about me. I scoffed mentally. 'This guy has some serious bipolar issues!'

"Can you please give me some space I-I can't breathe properly." I said and tried to act breathless. He eyed me with suspicion and I prayed to god for him to not catch my act. He finally nodded and got up from the bed. This time I sighed heavily and just to show him started taking deep breaths.

He took few steps away from me and started to take his coat off. I eyed his movements since I obviously didn't trust him. I looked away as his gaze fell on me.

"I'm changing and you should as well." He said as he started to change in front of me to which I closed my eyes and abruptly turned around. I heard him chukling as he said, "You need to get used to this since we're gonna live together in this room." I heard some shuffling and then I felt him behind me. I didn't know if he was descent so I remained my eyes closed.

"Come on now, don't be shy." He engulfed me from behind. "Soon I'll be your husband and then we'll be seeing each other naked more often." I wanted to throw up at this.

I abruptly moved away from him as he had started to kiss my exposed shoulder again. "I um I don't have spare clothes to change into." I tried to change the topic. Thankfully he had changed into some pyjamas and was not in some boxers/briefs.

"You could choose from my clothes," He said and before I could say something he decided to open his potty mouth again by saying, "or you could just wear nothing and sleep naked." I looked away as I tried to calm myself and to not kick this bastard where the sun doesn't shine.

Even though I'd rather be naked than to wear his clothes but in his presence I wasn't going to take risk so I had no choice but to wear his clothes. I chose a simple blue shirt and some pyjama shorts. Everything was too oversized on me obviously but I was content that I was fully covered.

"I think I should eliminate the idea of getting you new clothes," I heard him saying as I stepped out of the walk-in closet. "You look sexier in my clothes."

I didn't say anything and simply made my way towards the couch. All the while his intense gaze was on me. "I need to check up on something and I want you to behave in the meantime." He walked closer to me and since my eyes were casted down he gripped my chin and made me look up at him. "I mean it Моя любовь or there will be severe consequences...."
(My love)

Dino had been gone for sometime now and I seriously didn't want him to ever come back. I was sitting on the bed in one corner away from the side where he'd probably sit. I sighed as I started to think about some plan to escape out of this place. I knew he had told me to not misbehave but I wasn't just going to sit here and wait for him to come then do as he please with me. I shuddered with disgust.

Massimo's P.O.V

I was surprised my teeths were still intact and didn't break because of how I had been gritting them and clenching my jaw. When I saw that piece of scum taking away Maya forcefully with him away from the party I wanted nothing more than to just go after him and beat the shit out of him! But before I could act Liam's voice rang through earpiece telling me to not do anything that could spoil our plan.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz