chapter 69

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i wake up the next day, draco is gone.

slowly i sit up on the large been, and pull my long legs up to my chest, glancing around the room. trying to looking for some way out.

but of course there isn't.

i feel tried. so fucking tired. i just want to be done with everything- i just want to go home. and no not back to hogwarts, part of me wants to go back to my mom- to the muggle world.

the other part of me doesn't want to leave this reality. it's like im about to fall of the edge of a cliff, my leg is dangling off the edge but someone is holding onto my arm- keeping me steady and unmoving. when i turn to see who is holding onto me, it's draco.


if i left i would never see him again- or daphne. or blaise. or anyone for that matter. but i don't even think i can leave- that's the thing.

i run a hand through my hair and shakily get up, still in my clothes from yesterday. my stomach is growling- seeing as i haven't ate anything since yesterday at like noon.

quietly i step over to the door and fiddle with the nob, expecting it to be locked.

but it wasn't.

my heart rate speeds up and i take a step away from the door, planning on what to do. i could sneak out, but where would i go? i have no clue where i am- or how to get out.

i know this isn't the best decision, but what do i have to loose.

i take a deep breath and hold the door nob in my hand, turning it slowly. i open the door praying to god it doesn't creak or anything.

finally it's opened to the point where i can slip out, quickly i tiptoe out and look to the sides of me.

left or right.

to the left there was a dark hallway that had a staircase, leading to the floor under me. to the right there was a couple doors.

i decide to go left- i need to get out of this place.

as i run down to hallway i suddenly hear a door open behind me. then footsteps, they stop for a second- then i hear them again. but this time they are walking faster.

my heart begins to pound again and tears prick at my eyes. fuck fuck fuck fuck.

i pick up the pace and try and run down the stairs but a i feel a hand grab at my waist, the other hand covering my mouth.


i instantly recognize the voice as draco.

"where were you going?" he asks quietly, pulling me backwards and into a room that i guessed he came out of.

"i- i need to leave." i say as he pulls me over to what looks be his bed. this is his room i soon realize. meaning this is his house. i quickly glance around, it's dark and empty in here. there was little to no decorations on the wall. almost nothing on his small desk.

almost nothing. there is one book, laying over to the side. i recognize it as soon as i lay eyes on the cover. it's the book i got him for christmas in third year- the one with all of our memories.

i smile, realizing he kept it. this made me unconsciously move my hands to my neck, running my fingers along the necklace that he got me years ago.

i hadn't taken it off since christmas. it made me feel safe.

"you can't- they'll catch you." this snaps my attention back to him.

"you left the door unlocked, i had to at least try draco. im sorry."

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