chapter 1

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     i stayed up all night wondering what it would be like to attended hogwarts. what it would feel like to sit in the great hall, to run to classes, or preform spells. at school my mind would wonder and i would daydream about getting my acceptance letter and going to diagon alley. god i wanted it so bad. i just wanted to taste the butter bear and feel the books on the bookshelf. all i wanted was to laugh with fred and george, and chat with luna. but i know it isn't real, i know it is all in my head. is it all in my head?


       "y/n wake up! you're gonna be late for school! and i'm not taking you, i have work in less than 10 minutes!" my mom screams at me from the kitchen.

i jump at the sound of her voice and slowly get out of my warm bed. i check the time and it was already 7:00, that gives me 15 minutes. great. i run to the bathroom and get ready. once i make it back into my room, i pull on sweatpants and an oversized hoodie while grabbing my backpack.

i look over at the papers sitting on my desk and realize i didn't do my homework. fuck. slipping on my shoes, i shoved the papers in my bag and run downstairs. my mom barley notices me running out the door.

       i hate this town. with every bone inside my body, i hate it. as i walk through the school doors i look around at all the kids, they all look grey. not the  color grey. just bland and boring. god i hate it here. i walk slowly to my class, dreading the look on my teachers face when i don't turn in my homework.

i check my phone, glancing at the povs people make about attending hogwarts. id give everything and anything to go there.

  as school ends i walk out to the bus.

    "hey hottie, looking fine! what's your snap?" a boy asks me very loudly, holding out his phone. his friends chuckle and he has a smug look on his face.

    i glance at him and flip him off. i hate it here.

    once i make it home i walk to my room and throw my bag to the ground and flip on the tv. i decide to watch the goblet of fire, my favorite movie. as im watching it, i turn on my phone and find a video talking about going to...hogwarts?

    actually going to hogwarts. like you're really  experiencing it. i beam with excitement, this cannot be real. as i read more into it i begin to be more and more curious.

      after hours and hours of research i finally understand what shifting is. basically you shift realities into whatever reality you want. so i could go to hogwarts? i am overwhelmed with joy, this could really be it. i could see hogwarts. i quickly grab my notebook and start jotting down notes.

  - raven method
    - scripting
    - starfish position
    - count to one hundred
    - tingles through your body
    - seeing white
    - be able to preform magic

     can this really work? anything was better than this reality. so what bad could it do just to try. but first i have to write my script.

      after 3 hours of writing my script in so much detail it can basically be a novel. i held it up proud of my work. i can hardly contain my excitement.

     the day begins to fall into night and i begin to feel more excited. my mom barges into my room as im right about to go into meditation.

   "y/n! dinner is ready, are you coming or not?" she yells loudly.

     "no, i have homework."


      as soon as she leaves i pull out my script and begin to study it. then i turn out the lights and begin to meditate with subliminals in the background. laying out in a star like position, i count from 100 down to 1. envisioning scenes  in my head of what it is going to be like when i got there. i think of my script and say affirmations.

      nothing happens. why did nothing happen? i'm doing what i am told? my blood boils with frustration. but then i calm myself knowing sometimes it won't work on the first time for some people.

       i wait until i'm a little bit more tried and try again. while i am laying there my body goes numb. what the hell is happening? i start getting tingles throughout my arms. shit shit shit it's working. i keep counting, trying to hold the excitement in. then everything goes white.

        everything goes back to normal. fuck i didn't shift, again. i open my eyes and im not in my room. im in a dark room, beds scattered around me. oh my god. oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.  i shifted. i actually shifted realities.

quickly i sit up and look around, realizing im in the slytherin dorms. oh my god. i glance over to the girls sleeping on the beds, is that... PANSY? i get up and walk around the room. i stop at the mirror, it's actually me. but i look- different. my hair is darker, it's black. my lips are more full, my eyelashes are longer and everything is perfect. it's literally everything i want to look like. wow.

         after i stop examining myself in the mirror i slip on shoes that sit by my bed. and carefully exit the room. and walk down the hallway. it's exactly how i imagined it. well obviously, i control this. then i walk father away from my dorms and am met with a door to the common room. wait what's the password? shit.

     "pure blood ." a voice behind me shouts. my breathing comes to a halt and i think i might pass out. i know that voice. it belongs to the one and only draco malfoy.

      the doors open and we both enter. i look back at him, remembering i shifted into third year.
    "what are you staring at? wait, who the hell are you?" draco asks me rudely while looking me up and down.

      "y/n y/ l/n, im a transfer student from ilvermorny." i state calmly.

      he looks at me confused, and then smirks. "so you are an american, then. hamburgers and red, white, and blue right?" he laughs to himself and sits on the couch.

      "uh yeah, i guess."

      "you're a slytherin?"

      "well yeah." i say looking around the common  room.

       "what's your name?" i ask as if i haven't read every single harry potter book, watched all the movies, have a wand from walmart in my bedroom. and also know every line draco utters in the movies.

          "if you must know, it's draco malfoy."


  im not an expert at shifting. REMEMBER THIS IS FICTION SO NO NOT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS HERE WITH SHIFTING CAN ACTUALLY HAPPEN😀. also plz comment  if you have actually shifted, i would love to read them :)

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