chapter 43- fifth year

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late on the second day of class y/n." i hear snape
say as i enter into my first class. potions.

"sorry sir." i mutter and sit beside draco.

i wait for some sort of detention, points taken away- a rude comment. but there isn't anything. snape doesn't say anything.

"where were you?" draco whispers as i pull out my textbook.

"harry needed to talk to me about something."

"about what?"

"school." i lie.


the rest of the class i feel draco glance over to me. he does this multiple times, when i catch him staring he acts like i was staring at him.

"you were obviously staring at me." he states crossing his arms.

"mhm, sure."

"obviously." he winks at me and a slight blush covers my face.

he laughs slightly and i look away. smiling like a dumbass.

snape notices this and walks over to us, "draco, you may sit by crabbe for the time being."


"now." snape utters and draco reluctantly gets up swinging his bag over his shoulder and slumping beside crabbe. his arms crossed, glaring over at professor snape.

"blaise you may sit by y/n."

blaise walks over to me and places his things on the table.

"you weren't being that loud, what's his problem?" blaise asks me as i stare over at the sulking draco.

"who knows." i mumble, but i knew. draco knew too, but not the whole story. i knew the whole story. he doesn't want him associating with a supposed muggle.

im not a muggle though.

im not a muggle.

   as the weeks went by, umbridges class got harder and harder. i could tell she was targeting me out from the rest.

it was always me or harry. we were the targets.

she asks us questions we obviously didn't know, then when we didn't give her the correct answer she would send us away to detention.
  draco notices what's going on. he doesn't say anything though, but just stares at me with worry in his eyes.

during class i hear people whispering about why she is so tough on me. they think because im a slythein and friends with draco i have it good.

i don't.

"y/n, do i have to repeat myself again? what is the answer!" she yells, her forced smile still on her face.

"we haven't gone over this."

"oh? we haven't? i think i would know i do believe that i am the professor!"

"detention!" she screams.

"look, umbitch gave me another detention." i whispered to draco, leaning over towards him.

he coughed to hide his laugh, but a smile was still plastered on his face.

"what was that you said?" umbridge asks walking over to me sweetly.

"nothing." i responded matching her sweetness.

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