chapter 63- sixth year

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winter break is over. i can't help but feel a little sad, it was fun while it lasted. i kinda want to go back though.

i sit on my bed, my legs crossed. im currently staring at the door, waiting for daphne to walk in.

all the students are coming back today. and i really need to talk for daphne. i sent her a card, wishing her a merry christmas.

dear daphne,

i hope you have a wonderful christmas. if you look in the small box, i gave you some of your favorite candies. but merry christmas and have a great new year as well.

love you always
- y/n

she never replied.

at this point fear had started to creep inside of me.

what if she never comes back?

what if she told someone?

what if they come for me?

just then while im surrounding in my thoughts the door slowly opens. and in walks daphne.

her eyes dart to me and she gives me a small smile before sitting her bags down.

"hey." i say quietly.


i fiddle with my fingers.

"why didn't you owl me back?" i ask, looking at the green bedding that im sitting on.

she sighs and walks over to me, "y/n- i wanted to. i really did, but- well..."


"people are looking for you. people are talking about you. including the people who live in my home, i couldn't risk people seeing a letter from you. and i couldn't risk sending one."

i gulp and run a hand through my hair.

"how bad is it? how many people know?"


"please answer me daphne."


i blink and slowly tears fall down my cheeks.

"shit. shit. shit. this wasn't suppose to happen-"

"im so sorry y/n." she whispers, sitting down beside me.

"what's going to happen to me?" i question shakily.

"i don't know y/n."

it's all over.

everything's over.

it's the end of my fucking world.

"im so screwed." i mutter, wiping away tears.

"it's going to be okay y/n."

"no- no it's not. you know last time this happened? voldemort killed her which then sent her back. but with me- with me it's different. it's completely different daphne."

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