chapter 36- fourth year

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i wake up to someone shaking me, i rub my eyes and blink them open to find draco standing frantically in front of me.

"draco?" i whisper and a slight smile spreads across my face.

"fucking god y/n- i thought you died. you weren't there when i got to the entrance. then i heard that someone took you to the infirmary- so it came here. and saw you with the blanket over your head- like you were dead or something god y/n you-"

"draco it's okay im here." i say and sit up from the bed. he sighs and smiles, the worried look that was once on his face fades away.

he climbs into bed with me and lays down beside me. i slip back down to where im now laying directly beside him on my side- facing him.

"you really did scare me though- what happened there why are you here?" he asks and i begin to pull my arms under the blankets not wanting him to see.

he notices me doing this and pulls them back up into his hands. he eyes the scars and looks back up at me.

"what happened y/n?"

"krum he-"

"krum did this?" he asks and i see the anger rise up in him.

"he was bewitched draco."


we lay there in silence for a few seconds still staring at each other. then it hits me.

all the memories from earlier come rushing back. a tear spills out of my eye. draco notices it and his face forms into a frown as he wipes the single tear from my dirty cheek.

"what's wrong?"

"it was so scary draco." i mumble and snuggle into his chest.

he takes his hand and plays with my hair trying to soothe me.

"it was so confusing all of it- i was terrified."

"it's okay- you're safe now."

no im not.

voldemort wants me dead.

i nod my head trying to convince myself it's all going to be okay.

we hear footsteps coming towards my bed and draco jumps out and sits beside my bed. like nothing happened.

it was madam pomfrey she gives me some cream for my scars and rubs my back sympathetically. finally she smiles at me before turning and leaving.

i slowly get out of my bed and draco follows me out of the infirmary.

"i'll meet up with you later- i have to go do something." i say to him and he nods, before walking away.

as i close the door to the hospital wing i walk down the hallway but stop when i hear voices coming from the other side of the wall.

"you have to tell her the truth albus, i know you have the memories." i hear a voice say.

"don't you dare act like you care, you were the one who told voldemort." a voice i know as dumbledore responds.

"i didn't- i don't have to explain myself to you." i can't make out the second voice. i've definitely heard this voice before though.

  "it's safer for her to know."

i hear footsteps walking towards me so i quickly start running away, back to the dungeons.

what the fuck was that about? was that about me? what do i not know? i think about these things as i rush up to my dorm, my head spinning.

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