chapter 30- fourth year

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in the weeks that followed i moved into a new dorm with one other girl. her name was daphne greengrass. she was nice to me, really all the slytherins were. they found out about what happened with parkinson and nott, the slytherins for some reason took my side on the matter. i think it has something to do with draco, but i don't say anything.

me and draco- well ever since the kiss things have been okay- i mean pretty normal. blaise, draco, daphne and i all hang out together. i keep waiting for draco to say something- do something that would hint that he actually fucking remembered the kiss but he hasn't yet. he's a little nicer to me though now, like he won't annoy me for no reason. or sometimes he will help me with my homework. but i kinda just want him to look at me the way he did before. when we were so close.

i collect my thoughts as i walk to my next class, suddenly someone taps on my shoulder. a little small tap on my right shoulder. i turn around and see harry standing there smiling at me.

"hi." he says and walks with me.

"hey, what's up?" i ask a little caught off guard that he would walk with me in the dungeons with all these slytherins around.

"the third task." he says and i can hear him take a deep breath.

"the final one." i say giving him sarcastic jazz hands.

"i mean are you ready? the task is coming up soon." he says and i sense that he's a little worrisome.

"uh- well i guess, i mean no- not exactly." i finally admit rubbing the back of my head.

"meet me at the library- free period, sounds good?" he asks looking towards me, then to all the slytherins who are carefully eyeing the both of us.

"sounds good potter." i say and smile at him.

once i arrive at my potions, i quickly walk over to my seat and sit down. i look to the left of me expecting to see an annoyed nott but instead see blaise.

"hey blaise wha-"

"switched seats with him." he says proudly pointing back to nott who is now sinking into him chair beside draco. draco looks over it, he just sits there not talking, giving nott side eye glares.

  "that's going to be fun to watch." blaise says still looking back at them. i chuckle and turn back around to the front of the class as snape yells what the assignment is for today.

i start to brew my potion, adding dabs of this red liquid in, with a few leaves. i really have no clue what im doing- im just following blaise.

   "are you coping off of me y/l/n?" blaise says gasping at covering his potion sarcastically.

   "we are partners for a reason blaise." i sing and take a another glance at his potion.

    "cheater." he mutters and i laugh, blaise let's out a soft chuckle as well.

   once we finish up i walk back to the sink to wash off my hands. i suddenly feel a presence behind me as i put my hands under the running water.

    "hello y/l/n." i hear draco whisper into my ear, his warm breath, makes my cold skin heat up.

    "malfoy." i respond rubbing my hands with some soap.

    "will you hurry the fuck up, you're hogging the sink." he snaps and i turn around to look at him,

then i notice snape walking beside us.

"language draco." he utters than struts off.

    "but seriously hurry up y/n." he says brushing me out of his way. i elbow him in the ribs and he grunts, as i take a towel and wipe my hands dry.

my mind slowly wanders back to the feeling i got when he spoke into my ear. quickly i control the feeling in my stomach as i travel back to my desk.

   we turn in the potions and as im right about to pick up my stuff i notice nott looking a little too mad.

   "you absolute dick!" nott yells shoving draco back and then looking down at himself.

   a red liquid is poured all down his uniform.

  "whatever do you mean?" draco asks as he collects his items from his desk calmly.

  "oh you piece of shit." nott says pushing him again, this time making him stumble back. i notice draco ball his fists and he smirks and glides his tounge on the inside of his cheek.

   "get off of me nott." draco says wiping the smile off his face, replaced with anger.

   "what are you gonna do? get you're little bitch to help you out? oh- and im not talking about pansy."

   "no you'll regret that you fucki-" he leans forward and i see his knuckles go white. shit he's gonna punch him. where the hell is snape? i look around for a split second and realize he's probably gone to test the potions. shit.

   i feel myself get up and run over to draco and grab his wrist,  "draco stop you're going to-"

   "so you're bitch really is coming to save you." nott says laughing.

  and that's what got him, he pulls his hand out of my grip roughly and i hear a punch. nott is on the floor, clutching his face.

   "draco i told you no-"but snapes footsteps cut me off.

   "detention! all three of you. after class." he says and pulls nott up, "someone take him to the infirmary."

  he demands and a girl from slytherin quickly gets up and whisks nott away. i stare back up at draco and his furious expression is gone, he kinda looks calm, like nothing even happened.

   "what the fuck was that- now i have to go detention because you couldn't keep your hands to yourself." i say a little loud. he stares at me in confusion.

    "i did that for you," he scoffs and crosses his arms, "the least you could do is say thank you."

    "thank you? i-" 

    "back to your seats. now." snape shouts from across the room.

   i sit back in my chair while blaise glances at me.

"sorry about that- you shouldn't have gotten detention, you didn't even do anything." he states, while sympathetically smiling at me.

"yeah." i say and place my head in my hands.

i need to tell harry why i can't study with him. damnit this was the one time we could talk about the 3rd task. but nott and draco just collectively agreed to have a fucking boxing match in the middle of class which then met for me to have detention along with them. fucking dumbasses- all of them. including snape.

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i planning on wrapping up fourth year soon maybe in a couple of chapters. HERE WE COME 5TH YEAR . personally im very excited.


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