chapter 57- sixth year

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draco turns away quickly and walks out of the commons.

"shit- sorry, i need to go get him." i mumble to blaise.

he nods slowly- i can tell he's confused.

i smile at blaise once more before running out to find draco.

"draco!" i shout down the hallway.


then i see him, he's turning a corner. his fists are clenched. i run after him until i corner him in a hallway.


"stay away from me y/n." he mutters and tries to push past me.

"draco let me-"

"just fuck off okay?" he spats and walks past me. leaving me behind.

i don't even bother to go looking for him. it's not like he'd listen.

"everything okay?" blaise asks as i sit back down at the small wooden table.

"yeah- fine." i mutter and take a long sip of my tea. the hot liquid burns my throat but i don't seem to care.

he looks down at his watch, "we got to go to class. let me walk you?" he asks standing up and holding out a hand to me.

i take it and he pulls me up from my chair. lazily i bend down and grab my bag.

with that we head out to class.

most of my classes were boring. all we did was review work which was overly easy for me. i didn't sit by anyone i knew so it wasn't too fun.

but now it is nearing the end of the day and we have potions. this class is always fun because everyone is here. daphne, blaise, and- well, and draco, i guess.

when i enter the room, daphne has already saved a seat for me.

she is sitting beside draco, and there is one open seat beside blaise. i smile and walk over to them.

"hey guys." i say, sitting my books down.

"hey y/n." blaise and daphne reply in unison.

draco stays silent.

"does anyone know what we are doing today?"

"i think we just practice making a potion with our groups." blaise answers my question.

"thank you blaise."

as i grab my quill, i glance up and see draco glaring at me.

"what?" i mouth.

he rolls his eyes and looks away.

as the class moves on we are all assigned different potions to make. our group gets draught of peace.

i decide to go back and grab the ingredients but draco follows me.

"draco i said i'll get them." i whisper as we reach the ingredients cabinet. i grab a bag to place the ingredients in.

"piss off." he mutters and grabs the powered unicorn horn, placing it in his bag.

"you piss off." i say and grab the valerian root.

"y/n stop." he grabs the powered moonstone.

"no." i grab the syrup of hellebore.

we both reach for the powered porcupine quills. our hands touch. draco's hands are cold and his rings touch my fingers. he looks at me for a second, before grabbing the ingredient and walking away.

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