chapter 25- fourth year

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my seemingly short christmas break was over.

  it went by fairly quickly seeing as all i did was sleep, open presents, and owled hermione, harry, and ron. i talked to blaise a lot too, things weren't awkward really at all with us. we've just both collectively agreed to forget what happened.

  draco on the other hand- its hard to forget what happened with him. he barely talks to me. i can't tell if it's because he's making sure his father doesn't find out about us. or that he just doesn't want to talk to me.

i think about this as i rush out of my dorm a little later than usual, speeding to my first class.

  once i get there blaise is talking with nott and draco is sitting alone reading a book. i look around and all the other seats are taken. great.

i trudge over to draco and quietly lay my books down on the desk and sit down, praying he won't notice me.

"hi y/n." he says putting his book down. i sigh.


"why are you calling me by my last name?" he asks sounding with what seems like actual curiosity.

"you made me mad."

"sorry about that." he says coolly, like it didn't bother him that he was apologizing. which i knew it did.

"thanks mal-"

"draco. it's draco."

i roll my eyes and he laughs, but the laughter quickly stops as snape barges through the doors.
he looks at me and draco, "y/n trade seats with blaise."

"wh-" i begin to say but draco nudges me quickly. and i remember what snape is supposedly doing for his dad.

i get up and walk over to theodore, while blaise shoots a deathly glare over to draco.

"hey you're the girl who won the first task right?" nott asks glancing over to me.

"yeah." i mutter not feeling like talking to him.

"brilliant. you know you're surprisingly making slytherin look really good." he says smirking to himself.

"surprisingly?" i ask scowling at him.

he goes silent, looking away from me and begins working on the assignment snape passed out.

  as im working on the assignment i can't help but wonder about the second task. i know there is a clue but i can't seem to figure it out, i've been trying everyday since the first task ended to open it
but all i get is a loud screeching noise. after a while of thinking and working on this stupid paper i decide that after class i'll go talk to harry about it.

   once class finally comes to an end i quickly dart out, needing to find harry. i make up my mind that harry is most likely at the gryffindor common rooms since he has a free period too.

  as i reach the hallway in front of the common room someone walks in front of me.

  "what are you doing here?" a boy with messy brown hair and an irish accent asks.

   "harry. where is he?"

   "none of your business." i roll my eyes at this.

   "look. i just want to ask him about the 2nd task." i say obviously annoyed with him.

   "how do i know you're not going to like hex him or something?"

   "if i was going to hex him i would've already hexed you." i respond bluntly.

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