chapter 35- fourth year

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i am now shaking with fear.

   where am i?

  where did everyone go?

  why am i here?

  cedric is- cedric is gone.

   i look up to find the man walking over to a pot and adding a few thing in. stirring things up, and muttering words under his breath. as i watch this happen, i hear harry scream.

  without thinking i jump up out of hiding, and run over to him.

  "harry it's going-" he widens his eyes at me. and slowly shakes his head no.

  "run." he whispers and i look at him like he's crazy.

  "im not going to lea-"

  before i can say anything more a burst of flames comes from the pot in front of us.

my heart almost stops.

a inhuman thing comes out of it. it's levitating in the air.

i want to throw up.

slowly i back away from the creature.

what the actual fuck.

  the creature then takes a semi human form. and my breathing comes to a halt as i recognize who this is.


  he moves over to the man and grabs his wand. fuck. what do i do? if i ran where would i run to? i can't leave harry behind- not with him.

  suddenly black things dart down from the sky, and as they reach the ground they transform to into humans with black cloaks.

death eaters.

"welcome my friend- 13 years it's been and yet here you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. i confess myself disappointed not one of you tried to find me trap door- not even you lucius." voldemort states walking over to a hooded figure.


my heart sinks even farther down. i want to throw up again.

  draco. oh my god.

  a single tear falls down my cheek.

lucius takes off his mask and i see his face. for the second time.

  he talks to voldemort. i can sense his fear. while they are talking his eyes flicker to me for a moment and i can see his eyes fill with rage. before turning back to voldemort in a second.

  voldemort notices this and turns his head the direction lucius was looking towards. me.

  voldemort is now looking straight at me.

im frozen in fear. voldemort takes out his wand and slowly walks towards me.

  every step he takes my heart beats faster.

"you must be y/n?" he asks as he walks closer to me. his wand touches my face,  moving the loose hair out of the way.

"a muggle." he mutters and i just continue to stare at him still frozen.

  a muggle? he is talking to me?

"mr. malfoy informed me all about you. you're very rare. very special." he says and my glance falls on lucius.

  lucius is not looking at me, just at voldemort. im so confused. he has to have the wrong person- im not a fucking muggle.

"i must say- it's extraordinary how you came here. switched realities i hear?" his voice sends chills down my spine.

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