chapter 22- fourth year

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   it was the weekend before the first task, and my nerves were getting the best of me. my hands were shaky and my legs were wobbly. i couldn't talk without stuttering and i could barley focus on anything.

  i try to calm myself before going to study with harry, taking deep breaths and closing my eyes. finally i walk into the library and find harry.

  "are you doing okay?" harry asks noticing my hands still shaking.

  "it's just my nerves- it'll pass." i say rubbing my temples.

  "don't be nervous, the tournament will go perfectly."

  "yeah, you're right." i say halfheartedly. he smiles and pulls out some books over dragons.

  we read through the books and talk over situations that might occur at the tournament. harry is calm while explaining things to me and it makes me feel a little better.

like everything will be okay.

  a little while later we decide to take a break and head our separate ways. we decide to meet up later and review the task again.
i walk down to the common room and lay down on the couch, crossing my arms and staring up at the ceiling. most people are were at hogsmeade with there friends, but i can't risk being distracted. i need all the time there is to prepare for the task. im definitely not cut out for this thing, i have no idea why i was chosen. it just doesn't make sense.

  why me?

   "oh." an annoyed voice mutters from beside me. i look down from the ceiling and see draco standing there, right about to leave.

   "draco? i didn't know you were still here." i say rolling my eyes.

   "yeah well-" he cuts himself off, "why don't you have your necklace on?" he looks down at my neck.

  his face isn't contorted into a glare anymore, he just kinda looks- sad.

   i feel around on my neck. "oh, well after how you've treated me, why would i keep it on?" i ask crossing my arms, not looking at him anymore, but instead at the floor.

   "it' my father- he says not to associate with you anymore. i don't really understand why though, you are a pureblood and all." he admits taking a seat beside me.

    "oh." i say a little hurt that his father would think of me like that.

    "and your a triwizard champion, so i really don't know why he doesn't want me around you." i smile a little still looking at the floor.

   "and i guess i have kind of acted like an arse lately." drao says rubbing the back of his head.

   "kind of?" i laugh and he elbows me in the arm.
we sit there in silence for a bit before draco finally breaks it, "you should probably go put your necklace back on."

   "and why's that?" i ask, sarcasm dripping off every word.

   "good luck- for the tournament." i smile and get up, walking up to my dorm and retrieving my necklace.

  i come back down to the common room and sit back down onto the couch.

i try and put on the necklace but i can't figure out where the hook is.

"here let me help." draco says noticing how much im struggling. he takes the necklace and moves my hair out of the way. his hands are cold as ice to my warm skin. it sends shivers down my spine. then he places the necklace on my neck, and clasps it together.

when i look up at him, he's staring into my eyes.

"i should probably go now- to study for the tournament." i say and he backs away from me and gives me a small, disappointed smile.

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