chapter 59- sixth year

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  a nervous laugh escapes my lips, "what about him?"

"uhm, let's go to somewhere," harry looks around, "more private." he says and we all walk into an empty classroom.

"what's going on?" i ask, beginning to get a little frustrated.

"so- we all can tell your friends with malfoy, and we thought we should tell you something." hermione says kindly, clasping her hands together.


"look- katie bell, a student here. she was hexed." ron mutters, rubbing the back of his neck.

"oh my god- that's horrible."

where are they going with this?

"we think malfoy did it." harry says calmly.


"why would you- what proof do you have that he did it."

harry looks down.

"i knew we shouldn't have told her-" hermione tries to say but i cut her off.

"how dare you- why would he do something like that?"

"y/n if he did this i want to make sure you'll be okay. it's just-"

"fuck off." i mutter and storm out of the classroom.

they think they are all better than everyone. they think they can roam around and be judge fucking judy of everyone.

well fuck them and their messed up lives.

why would draco do that anyway- like he would have no reason to. it's not like anyone's forcing him to do anything-


oh shit.

wait no- he wouldn't. they wouldn't make a kid do that, right? surely they wouldn't make him do something like that. like i know he said stuff about his father and voldemort but they wouldn't make him hex a student. and draco would not do that- he wouldn't try to kill someone.

i take a deep breath and walk back into the commons.

"hey guys so this slughorn party is coming up and i need someone to come with me." i hear blaise say.

"i'll go, when is it?" i respond walking up to them.

"like tomorrow i think." he mumbles, resting his head on the couch.

"why don't you ask pansy or some shit." draco asks, we all look at him. i furrow my brows at him, telling him to stop. blaise sighs.

"i can't believe he didn't ask y/n to join the club." daphne says looking up at me, changing the subject.

"oh, i got asked- i just declined, since poor blaise wanted to be in it so bad. i decided to let him have a spin at it."

blaise likes potions just as much as i do. he even told me when he gets out of this place he wants to create new brilliant potions. he wants to be amazing at it. and since he actually does have a future here, he isn't a muggle from another fucking reality. i let him have the spot, it would look good on his resume.

"your a real mate for that one." blaise says smiling.

i laugh and slump back down beside daphne.

"what did they want?" draco asks, referring to harry, ron, and hermione.

"oh, uhm- homework." i lie.



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