chapter 47- fifth year

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cho and i slump down against the wall, waiting for the students to come out. i need to explain myself.

i need to.

as i am playing with my shoelace the door swings open and all the students pill out. i notice they are all clutching their hands. some are even crying.

i quickly get up and cho follows me.

"guys-" but they just shove past me.

"i didn't-" more push past me.

"harry!" he looks up at me and shakes his head.

they all begin to walk away but i grab harry's arm and pull him back into a room. hermione and ron follow. they look pissed.

"guys i didn't-"

"did you just do this all for malfoy? were you even our friends?" ron asks and harry rubs the back of his neck.

"let me speak, i didn't do anything."

"and how's that?" hermione asks crossing her arms.

"look, i tried coming down here earlier but draco followed me. so we went to the library, after a while pansy came in and was screaming about umbridge needed her and draco. then draco told me to follow them and i did. that's when he took me to you guys." i say all in one breath.

"oh." hermione says uncrossing her arms. she looks like she believes me.

"yeah i felt so bad it's-"

"why'd you carry out fred then?" ron asks and harry coughs. 

"because i fucking had to? umbridge sat there glaring at me. sorry, i should've done something."

harry sighs, "so you really did not tell anyone?"

"no no, i really didn't- i would never."

"i don't know harry, i mean she would have a pretty good reason to turn us in- it would get umbridge off her back." ron states turning to harry.

oh for fucks sake.

harry frowns and looks at me.

  "i didn't." i whisper and hermione smiles softly.

"you don't believe me?"

"i do, i do." harry says quickly, and looks away from me.

"i would never, i- you guys really don't believe me?"

they stay quiet.

"what the fuck? i was in the wrong place with the wrong person at the wrong time. i came to you guys first because i thought you would understand." i say my voice was getting quieter so i decide to leave. i turn around and slowly walk out of the room, closing the door behind me.

i hear hermione yell after me, but i didn't want to turn back. i can't believe them. why won't they believe me? did i not sound believable?

then it hit me.

they don't trust me.

after everything, they don't trust me.

  i walk back to the common rooms. it's the only place i can think to go right now.

when i enter the common room the whole inquisitorial squad is laughing and talking with each other.

draco notices me, "y/n! you made it!" he yells and runs over to me.

"hey." i mutter and sit down on the couch beside some boy.

"did you see their faces? it was fucking priceless. and umbridge- she couldn't have been happier." the boy says and earns laughs from everyone.

"hey y/n- you know im surprised you weren't in on that thing. people were saying you were like hooking up with potter or something!" pansy yells and everyone looks at me. i glance back towards draco and he looks like he's about to loose it.

i fucking hate her.

"no. i would never." i simply state, not looking at anyone just staring forwards leaning against the comfortable cushion of the couch.

"yeah she would never." the boy behind me says, turning his head to me and smirking. he then winks.

i gag internally and nod.

as everyone begins to talk again, i stand up and walk away. leaving the loud crowd of kids behind and exiting the commons.

while i walk up to the dorm, i hear someone behind me. i turn my head and see daphne looking at me. she has a tear rolling down her cheek.

"daph? what's wrong."

"luna." she states and im now completely facing her.

i grab her hand and walk with her up to our dorm. when we get there i close the door behind us, and we sit down on the bed.

"she had to do lines."

"i know." i mumble and she jolts her head to me.


"i was there, i saw them go into the room with umbridge."

"and you let her take luna?"

"daphne, i couldn't do anything. even if i wanted to- i couldn't have stopped it."

she sighs, "she was in that dumbledores army thing."


she wipes her tears and stands up, "i fucking hate that umbridge bitch. who gives her the bloody right to do that?"

daphne's now pacing around the room.

"and luna. why would she put herself in that situation? i mean- i get she's friend with potter but why does she have to do the same stuff he does. it just-"

"you learn stuff there daph, it's not that bad. luna was just helping her friends, she learned a lot there. also she did really advanced spells and-"

"how do you know?" daphne stops pacing and looks straight at me.

oh fuck.

"uhm, she told me."

"you don't have to lie y/n."

i gulp and play with my hands, not looking at her.

"you were in it too- weren't you?"

"what if i was?"i ask and she walks over to me.

"that's dangerous y/n, and draco-"

"don't tell him." i say, interrupting her. she nods slowly and sits down beside me.

"how good was she?" daphne asks, and i laugh.

"she was fucking brilliant, she learned the spells faster than any of us."

daphne smiles.

she then tells me she's going to find luna and talk. i nod and smile gently. as she leaves i lie back onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

for a second i think about going back to the gryffindor common room or wherever harry, hermione, and ron are and just screaming at them. telling them that i didn't do anything. explaining the whole situation. i don't want to be seen as a fucking trader.

i wish they would just believe me.


trust me it will get better 😀

vote/comment/share love you all and stay safe and healthy 😁😁

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