Law x reader | Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever

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By request of @Kuno0014 !

"(Y/n), we need to leave!"

The young boy was tugging harshly on the pristine, white dress that a small girl had on - she was crying her (e/c) eyes out. Her face, much like his, was slowly patching with white from the thing they ran from... the Amber Lead Disease.

"I don't want to!"

She yelled back at the small boy who's hat covered his features as he attempted to get her to move. They were surrounded completely: Marines stopped anyone entering and exiting the country. Yet at the foot of one Marine man, another man lay with his white jacket covered in soil - dead.

"You have to! We have no choice-"

"I can't leave my father!"

She attempted to slip from his tight grasp towards the man who was stone cold, feet away. A wall of marines blocked the path as white had climbed all across his body. Suddenly the girl slipped from his grasp and ran forward: only to be grabbed by the small boy once more.

"And I can't leave you! We are the only ones who are left!"

The (h/c) girl turned and shoved her friend hard, him falling on the ground as she cried heavy tears.

"Go! Go, Law! Leave and forget me!"

He rubbed his eyes and sat up, covered in soil. The girl was shaking and crying as she stood facing him. Law raised his hand to try and grab the hem of her dress when someone's voice came through a loudspeaker.

"All citizens on the border to be annihilated, stand down and return to Flevance City if you value your lives."

The boy looked up to see the sad smile of the girl who looked down at him.

"Go, Law."

She closed her eyes and waved.


"Captain, here's the paper you asked for!"

In his large and furry hands, Bepo was holding a newspaper as he entered Law's infirmary where the man was working tirelessly on some sort of project.
The bear gave it to the man and he took it with a tattooed hand and shuffled it open.

"Thanks, Bepo."

When the door had shut and only Law was left to read the paper, his eyes scanned the top headline and they narrowed. He had heard of a name he knew floating around the Grand Line, yet he could now confirm the face for the name. As the title read "Disaster on the Sea: Rookie "Silent Blade" (y/n) takes out Naval Fleet."

The title was above a picture of a woman, no older than Law himself, but with a sinister smile on her face that had a burn-like scar on her right jaw like she had had her skin torn from her lower cheek and it had grown to look like a burn. Her (h/c) hair hung around her face and her (e/c) eyes were shining dangerously.

'(Y/n)... I was right."

He placed the item back on the table and turned away, back to his work yet this time only in deep thought.

There a woman sat, leaning against a wall sitting on a crate with her feet propped up on another crate and a green-sheathed sword by her side. She wore a mid-waist black jacket which the sleeves came to her wrists with a red tank top underneath and a lime-green pair of shorts. On her feet she had large studded boots which came to her knees and were a dark blue. In her hand was an eternal pose reading "Sabaody" and she had another log pose on her wrist, just below a few golden chain-bracelets matching her golden rings. Her face was scarred from the jaw going up her cheek, like burns or tears. Her expression seemed bored yet annoyed as someone then called to her.

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