Hawkins x reader | Perfect Duo

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"Is it but heaven pulling me upwards? I see such a rare angel, something so graceful and not worthy of my eyes!"

You didn't want to go to Sabaody.

It was the one place where those disgusting world nobles liked to tread their nasty selves around the shop while acting as if the people were the bad ones. However it wasn't those celestial dragons who were causing your days to be stalled, oh no, it was some kind of curly-eyebrows man who had twirled towards you with an outstretched hand. A group of people stood a few yards behind him as he gave a gentlemanly bow to you.

"W-who, me?"

You weren't nervous per se, more like extremely weirded out and feeling a bit awkward. His bright eyes snapped open and landed on you as he stood up to his full height, slightly taller than you and clearly quite bold.

"Yes, you, the fine angel stood before me!"

"I have a boyfriend..."

The man began to go off on another tangent when a girl who had bright orange hair stood behind him and hit him upside the head, clearly hearing your quiet comment. He gasped for a second before the girl gave you and apologetic look.

"Hey, sorry about him. He doesn't know boundaries."

You sweatdropped as you never expected her to sound so unbothered over almost knocking the living daylights out of what seemed to be her own crew mate. Actually, you knew it was her own crew mate as you knew who they were.

"Nami, right?"

The younger girl looked slightly taken aback as you had mentioned her name, the crew behind her coming to a halt.


A frown came to her face before a woman behind her looked you up and down, you feeling slightly violated as she did so.

"I've seen you on a wanted poster before."

The black-haired lady you recognised as Nico Robin have you a hard stare as you began to stress out slightly at the direct call out.

"Yeaaaaaah," you were flustered as you gave a crooked grin, "I'm not surprised."

You had heard stories of the crew and how their captain, Monkey D. Luffy was as crazy as they come, yet you didn't take them for such... relaxed people.
Your gaze shifted from Robin to behind her where you spotted Cyborg Franky.

"Hey, you're the shipwright, yeah?"

Franky stepped forward with a proud and boastful look as he presented himself to you.

"Yeah and I built that super ship of ours!"

To the surprise of the onlookers, your eyes began to sparkle as you looked highly interested.

"H-how did you get your hands on that wood?!"

Your voice came almost as an excited yell as the man looked you in the eye and began to tell you of how he got it when a green-haired man slid his eyes onto you.

"You a shipwright or something?"

Your head shook violently as you nodded, giving a smile of confidence and addressing the group.

"Yeah, I also built my captain's ship. Best work I've ever done and I'm damn proud!"

The cyborg laughed loudly, able to relate to the feeling. It was a surprisingly nice moment of speaking to the straw hats. They were genuinely such kind and interesting people, each to their own and very dedicated to what they did. Not only that, their loyalty to their captain was indescribable and it amazed you how individual each was... even if the scarily-tall skeleton decided to ask to see your panties. Just as you were laughing away with the fun party, the baby den den mushi which had been stored away in the jacket you wore began to ring loudly - everyone stopping their talk as you apologised before answering.


It was normal for you to hear the uninterested voice which came from the other end of the receiver, but the straw hats seemed confused.

"Oh hey, Hawkins. Where are you?"

"I was about to ask the same thing. But no matter," the voice paused before it continued, "I will be with you in a second."

And there the call ended.

You placed the transponder snail back inside of your pocket and looked up to the fellow rookie crew with a dim smile, a finger of yours scratching the side of your face awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, the captain needs me. I'm sure we will get a chance in the future to talk."

Even if you couldn't see it, the crew had noticed as someone began walking up behind you. The man had long and silky blonde hair with an extremely bored expression placed in his features with his tattooed eyebrows not giving any sign of care. He wore a pristine shirt with frilled cuffs as he finally arrived behind you.

Unexpectedly to the crew you spoke to, the man reached out a hand to the back of your shirt - beginning to turn and just drag you off like you had done something wrong. But clearly as the crew sweatdropped harshly, it was pretty normal for you. You sent them a wave before flapping your hand at the man who escorted you away so that he let go, Franky watching in the distance and laughing as he just about saw your red face from where he stood.

"So she's with her captain? Weird relationship..."

Usopp muttered off to no one in particular, remembering your words. Nami laughed loudly and smiled.

"Yeah it seems so. That (y/n)-san is nice!"

"Hawkins, will you please find a better way of getting my attention?"

The magician had slipped an arm around your waist to pull you closer into him, your cheeks flushing a bright red as you attempted to stay calm. But alas and of course, he didn't listen and proceeded to walk. A tiny irritated growl left your lips as you felt his silky hair tickling your cheeks as you felt his warm body against your side. It was always surprising how warm he was considering how cold he acted around others; not you though. Around you he was more outgoing and open.

Hawkins turned to you with a small smile, kissing the top of your head kindly as you blushed. God your heart beat so fast every time he did something so sweet like that. Your words only came as a whisper so you didn't implode from feelings.

"I love you..."



Author's Notes


I cannot express how happy I am that you guys have read my stuff. It's only the people who enjoy these shots and my books who really make me want to carry on, I thank you deeply.

I thought I would make this chapter because I'm definitely having a Hawkins day gah I love him.

Yes this was short but I hope you all enjoyed!

Thank you for all the reads!!!

- TransponderSnail

(Ps, Requests will open later than I had mentioned as I have work to do)

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