Mihawk x reader | Falling Hard

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Loosing your way and washing up on an island which seemed to be more than certainly desolate wasn't your ideal plan. After having spent the majority of your recent years working as a merchant out at sea, you were pretty upset when your ship was completely overrun by erratic waves one night. So much for all the gold and the stock you had on board...

Nevertheless, your new problem happened to be that you didn't know where you were. Even worse than that, when you did find life, that life happened to be a Warlord of the Sea.

"Morning paper."

The fire crackled in an open fireplace, lighting the room with a dramatic mood. There was a chair, it's leather back facing you, the shadow of a man cast on the wall. His hand raised as you threw the paper which was in your pocket, catching it without issue before turning back to his open book. There was no thank you, however you didn't expect it. The man hardly knew you personally so you weren't expecting any good treatment - trust took time.


Just as your hand went to the doorknob, you froze. The simple words caused a shiver to run down your spine. Something heated in your cheeks, causing them to flare as you opened the door. Was it the gratitude you weren't expecting? Was it the kind way in which the unusual man said that word? Was it... him?

"... no worries."

Of course you knew it was him.

Your initial plan was to find a ship or boat at least and get back to where you came from, restock and carry on as you were. After all, it would be good to go back to where you knew when so much grief from the loss of your years' savings left you beyond upset. But just as you were a few days into living on the strange island, you began to feel... comfortable being there.

"Is that a blush I see?"

Almost jumping out of your skin, you whirled around at the apparitional form of a younger woman; a smirk lacing her features as you scowled.

"What do you want, Perona?"

"I want to know why you are so flustered!"

Arms crossed over, you glared daggers at her as she floated closer to the point her face was inches from yours. Her laugh annoyed you greatly, how she covered her mouth with her hand through snickers.

"Is it because of-"

"Oi, (y/n)! When's lunch?"

A loud yawn broke the conversation between you and the irritating girl which was bound to end in a fight, echoing in the halls. That was followed by the sounds of heavy footsteps, making you look over to see a young man with hair the colour of moss striding towards you.

"Oh, Zoro."

You gave him a smile, happy to ignore Perona who was about to go off at the swordsman for interrupting her jest.

The kitchen was large, much larger than anything you had seen before. Not only that, but it was ornately decorated and had ovens which must not have been cheap to buy. One hand on the handle of a frying pan, you seared the fish which was lying flat on its side while Zoro was sitting up at the nearby counter.

"I've heard stories about your crew. You seem to have fun, no?"

Without you noticing, the smallest of smiles graced Zoro's lips as the ends curled upwards. His hand was pressed into his cheek as he leaned on his elbow, sliding further down with a content sigh.

"Fun, yeah. My captain's such an idiot it's hard not to have fun."

A laugh escaped your lips as you began to grind pepper from a wooden pepper mill onto the fish, the sizzling of the pan getting louder. Turning around once you finished, you slid the fish onto the plate which was before the younger man and grinned.

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