Rosinanté x reader x Doflamingo | Blonde

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Major trigger warnings for this one, please take care!

"Please don't ever let me go."

You whispered so softly, he might not have been able to hear. His arms, his warm arms, wrapped around your body - pulling your tightly against his chest. You were curled in his lap, cheek squashed against his shirt-covered muscles. He was like a radiator, unbelievably comforting and warm.

"Never, (y/n). Don't tell me you think I will?"

The hint of cheek and teasing in his voice got you to roll your eyes playfully, turning to bury your head further into his chest. Your words were muffled by the fabric.

"Of course I don't think you will, idiot."


He chuckled, one of those smooth chuckles that elicited shivers down your spine and made your heart beat faster than you thought was possible.

"I'm glad."


Tears soaked your cheeks and left stains of red, the liquid warmer than your own body. Your body that was exposed and completely rigid, begging to be wrapped in warmth. Not many people could say that they despise lying in the middle of a king-sized bet, yet here you were.
Here you were with your hair a mess, locks pushed into the silk-covered pillows. The finest of silk, as expected.

On your body thick blood gathered in the shape of two initials; ones that had been painfully carved into your hip like you were some kind of objectified doll. Like you were merely a canvas, the crimson liquid the paint.

'D. D.', was what they read in the most stunning of cursive handwriting.

Shame that the reality wasn't as beautiful, more a complete juxtaposition.


That was one beautiful ring.

It was a platinum band, thin and awfully delicate. One wrong move and you reckoned you would break the thing in half. Into a million pieces, rather. The stone was an emerald, a curious pick, glinting in a grassy colour each time the light would catch. On either side of the gem were diamonds, also sparkling and grand.

"Yes, of course."

He smiled, you loved that smile. It was bright and kind, sometimes with a cigarette sticking out from between it.

You lit up, tears brimming at the edges of your eyes and lips curling up in joy.

"Oh my god, Rosi!"

He held you tight once more.

When you were in his strong arms, no one could hurt you.

No one could even touch you.

The window was slightly open, the breeze that came through it giving you more reasons to shiver and shake. Yet you felt numb. Not even the moon, the stars that hung brightly in the sky, could make you feel something. Those years ago, the moon used to make you smile. That was all because he was there to watch it in all its light and dips and grooves - with you.

"Isn't the moon rather gorgeous tonight, my love?"

There weren't many thing that could make you recoil into your shell like a turtle would; but his voice managed to do just that. Even without looking, not even a single glance, you could see that grin on his face. The same one that shone when he laughed, sending nauseous waves through your body. You didn't reply, the silence was followed by the subtle creak of wood as he began to step off the windowsill.

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